日前其宣佈作為節省開支的措施之一,公司將在全球範圍內裁員約 1,700 人。目前我們還不確定這次裁員將於何時完成,但根據估計在裁員和削減預算之後 Texas Instruments 在 2013 年末前應該能達到年均節省 4.5 億美元的目標。不過轉型的過程總是艱難的,裁員 1,700 人可以說是一筆不小的代價,但如今市場競爭激烈,對 Texas Instruments 來說作出這個選擇可能也是迫不得已吧。
DALLAS, Nov. 14, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Consistent with previously stated strategic plans, Texas Instruments (TI) (NASDAQ: TXN) announced today it will reduce costs and focus investments in its Wireless business on embedded markets with greater potential for sustainable growth. Cost reductions include the elimination of about 1,700 jobs worldwide.
TI previously outlined intentions to focus its OMAP processors and wireless connectivity solutions on a broader set of embedded applications with long life cycles, instead of its historical focus on the mobile market where large customers are increasingly developing their own custom chips. These changes require fewer resources and less investment.
"We have a great opportunity to reshape our OMAP processor and wireless connectivity product lines to concentrate on embedded markets. Momentum is already building with new embedded applications and a broad set of customers, and we are accelerating our efforts in these areas," said Greg Delagi, senior vice president of Embedded Processing. "These job reductions are something we do with a heavy heart because they impact people we care deeply about. We will work closely with all employees affected by these changes to provide a range of assistance related to compensation, benefits and job search."
As a result of these actions, the company expects annualized savings of about $450 million by the end of 2013. Total charges will be about $325 million, most of which will be accounted for in the current quarter. TI's fourth-quarter outlook, published on October 22, did not comprehend these restructuring charges.