Thalmic Labs Myo
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” Arthur C. Clarke said, and a new wireless accessory sure looks close to using the Force to control your Mac. Myo ($149) from Thalmic Labs may look like a simple armband, but the Bluetooth-equipped accessory promises a new way to control your computer, using muscle activity and motion sensing for a totally unique experience.
Myo fits around the forearm like a sweatband, and is said to have a one-size-fits-all design. It’s lined with sensors that are sensitive enough to detect muscle movement down to each finger. The idea is that you’ll be able to control the apps on your Mac with simple gestures in the air—Thalmic Labs is now offering developers access to tools so that they can integrate Myo functionality into their apps. While we’re a little leery of the ambiguous, distant delivery date—pre-order now and Myo will ship later this year to a “limited” number of people—we’re optimistic that Myo will become a reality.
每年的五月四日,總可以看到《星球大戰》的粉絲在社交媒體大喊: May the Force be with you. 在星球大戰的世界觀裡,原力是一種天賦的、至高無上的力量。而Thalmic Labs 的開發人員目測也是《星球大戰》的粉絲,這家來自滑鐵盧的創業公司,他們推出的手勢控制臂帶 Myo,可以讓用戶直接通過手勢,甚至手指的細微動作控制各種電子設備,就像電影裡的絕地武士一樣。
Myo 通過低功耗的藍牙 4.0 與你的電腦、智慧手機等電子設備相連,它會自動測量手臂的動作和肌肉內的電流變化,得出相應資料,然後將手勢和手部的動作轉化為指令,從而控制電子設備。另外,Thalmic Labs 會為每個 Myo 預設部分手勢,如滑動,調節音量等,但之後使用者也可以進行自訂手勢的操作。
目前,這款智慧設備擁有三個版本,Alpha、Developer Kit 是提供給開發者的版本,以及最終的消費者版本。現在可以登錄 Thalmic Labs 官網進行預訂,消費者版本售價 149 美元,將在9 月份出貨。 Thalmic Labs 公司表示,發佈 Myo 後,會有越來越多配套的應用程式陸續面世。屆時,我們不僅可以用 Myo 控制電腦、手機,也可以控制電視、汽車等。