AMD plans lowpower server chips based on ARM CortexA57, new Steamroller design

處理器供應商 AMD 公布其策略與產品藍圖,透過發表能因應重要科技、滿足快速成長的資料中心與雲端運算工作負載量需求的多款創新產品,以奪回企業與資料中心伺服器的市場佔有率。此外,AMD也揭示2014年伺服器產品的細節,其中包括頂級 APU 、雙插槽與四插槽CPU,以及預料將成為業界頂尖產品的ARM伺服器處理器的細節。
不久之前,AMD剛宣布全面供應代號為「京都(Kyoto)」的AMD Opteron X系列處理器,其在所有效能量測程式所測得的分數,於小核心數伺服器市場中全面領先對手。這些即將推出的AMD Opteron 處理器將為快速變遷的運算市場帶來重要創新,其中包括整合CPU與GPU運算(APU),能支援資料中心高密度運算的高核心數 ARM 伺服器,以及每瓦、每元運算效能的大幅提升,和持有成本的降低。

AMD伺服器事業群總經理Andrew Feldman表示,AMD策略是透過使用其獨特的IP,建立可迎合目標工作負載量的伺服器處理器,將為公司創造差異化,並減低擁有伺服器的成本。此策略同時擴及企業和資料中心,包含利用AMD的繪圖處理能力和同時擁有x86和ARM的指令集。在多核心處理器轉換到64位元運算上,AMD擁有領先全球的地位,同時,該公司也正致力於利用AMD次世代Opteron系列產品,延續此領導的地位。

在2014年,AMD表示將在省電伺服器運算領域樹立標竿,推出業界ARM核心伺服器CPU。這款代號為「西雅圖(Seattle)」的64位元CPU採用ARM Cortex-A57核心,預計將帶來領先同級產品的運算量,並在每瓦效能上樹立標竿。AMD還將推出代號為 「柏林(Berlin)」的頂級APU; 「柏林」是一款x86 CPU與APU,基於名為「Steamroller」的新一代核心。

「柏林」的效能是最近甫面市的「京都」的兩倍,將帶來極致的每瓦運算效能,並造就出超高的機架密度。而今日發表的第三款處理器代號為「華沙(Warsaw)」,是AMD次世代的2P/4P方案。它的最佳化目標是處理企業環境中的高度虛擬化的工作負載量,其中包含資料分析、xSQL資料庫以及傳統資料庫環境中日趨複雜化的運算需求。 「華沙」將提供顯著地的每瓦效能提升,超越現有的AMD Optero 6300系列產品。

「西雅圖」將透過獲認證的伺服器處理器供應商推出,為業界唯一的64位元ARM架構伺服器SoC。採用ARM Cortex-A57核心架構並具有8核及16核兩款核心數的CPU,預期能以2 GHz或更高的時脈的運行。「西雅圖」處理器將提供高於AMD近日發表的AMD Opteron X系列處理器2至4倍的效能,在每瓦效能方面也有大幅的提升。

「西雅圖」將支援128GB DRAM,其全面性減壓引擎(offload engine)可進一步提升能源效率並降低CPU工作量,另外還能進行伺服器資料的加密、壓縮、並包括整合10GbE的傳統網路。這將是AMD首款整合AMD領先的Freedom光纖技術與高密度運算系統在單一晶片的處理器。AMD預計將在2014年第一季初步試產「西雅圖」,並在下半年間進入正式生產。

「柏林」為一x86架構的處理器,將可同時作為CPU或APU。該處理器擁有四個次世代「Steamroller」核心,相較於現有的AMD Opteron 6386SE處理器,可提供近8倍的每瓦10億次浮點運算量(gigaflops)。「柏林」將是第一個基於AMD的革命性異質系統架構(HAS)的伺服器APU,可透過讓CPU和GPU存取統一的記憶體,使程式編碼如同C++程式語言一樣簡單。「柏林」將提供卓越的每瓦運算效能,能造就較高的機架密度,預計在2014年上半年問世。

「華沙」是企業級伺服器CPU,具無可比擬的效能以及總持有成本,並為雙插槽與四插槽伺服器進行優化。此款專為企業級工作負載量打造的處理器,將提供更優異的每瓦效能表現,能降低採「華沙」為基礎架構的伺服器擁有成本,並能從AMD Opteron 6300系列產品線進行無縫的轉移。「華沙」具備完全相容的插槽設計以及軟體授權模式,是業界最具成本效率的開放運算平台–AMD Open 3.0伺服器的理想選擇,「華沙」預計在2014第一季上市。

AMD Unveils Server Strategy and Roadmap
Best-in-class ARM CPUs, and leading x86 CPUs and APUs for enterprise and data center servers

SUNNYVALE, Calif. -6/18/2013

AMD (NYSE: AMD) today publicly disclosed its strategy and roadmap to recapture market share in enterprise and data center servers by unveiling innovative products that address key technologies and meet the requirements of the fastest-growing data center and cloud computing workloads.

Additionally, AMD revealed details of its 2014 server portfolio including best-in-class Accelerated Processing Units (APUs), two- and four-socket CPUs, and details on what it expects to be the industry's premier ARM server processor. This is on the heels of announcing the general availability of the AMD Opteron™ X-Series processor, code named "Kyoto," which dominates the small-core server market on every performance benchmark. These forthcoming AMD Opteron™ processors bring important innovations to the rapidly changing compute market, including integrated CPU and GPU compute (APU); high core-count ARM servers for high-density compute in the data center; and substantial improvements in compute per-watt per-dollar and total cost of ownership.

"Our strategy is to differentiate ourselves by using our unique IP to build server processors that are particularly well matched to a target workload and thereby drive down the total cost of owning servers. This strategy unfolds across both the enterprise and data centers and includes leveraging our graphics processing capabilities and embracing both x86 and ARM instruction sets," said Andrew Feldman, general manager of the Server Business Unit, AMD. "AMD led the world in the transition to multicore processors and 64-bit computing, and we intend to do it again with our next-generation AMD Opteron families."

In 2014, AMD will set the bar in power-efficient server compute with the industry's premier ARM server CPU. The 64-bit CPU, code named "Seattle," is based on ARM Cortex™-A57 cores and is expected to provide category-leading throughput as well as setting the bar in performance-per-watt. AMD will also deliver a best-in-class APU, code named "Berlin." "Berlin" is an x86 CPU and APU, based on a new generation of cores named "Steamroller." Designed to double the performance of the recently available "Kyoto" part, "Berlin" will offer extraordinary compute-per-watt that will enable massive rack density. The third processor announced today is code named "Warsaw," AMD's next-generation 2P/4P offering. It is optimized to handle the heavily virtualized workloads found in enterprise environments including the more complex compute needs of data analytics, xSQL and traditional databases. "Warsaw" will provide significantly improved performance-per-watt over today's AMD Opteron™ 6300 family.


"Seattle" will be the industry's only 64-bit ARM-based server SoC from a proven server processor supplier. "Seattle" is an 8- and then 16-core CPU based on the ARM Cortex-A57 core and is expected to run at or greater than 2 GHz. The "Seattle" processor is expected to offer 2-4X the performance of AMD's recently announced AMD Opteron X-Series processor with significant improvement in compute-per-watt. It will deliver 128GB DRAM support, extensive offload engines for better power efficiency and reduced CPU loading, server caliber encryption, and compression and legacy networking including integrated 10GbE. It will be the first processor from AMD to integrate AMD's advanced Freedom™ Fabric for dense compute systems directly onto the chip. AMD plans to sample "Seattle" in the first quarter of 2014 with production in the second half of the year.


"Berlin" is an x86-based processor that will be available both as a CPU and APU. The processor boasts four next-generation "Steamroller" cores and will offer almost 8X the gigaflops per-watt compared to current AMD Opteron™ 6386SE processor. It will be the first server APU built on AMD's revolutionary Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA), which enables uniform memory access for the CPU and GPU and makes programming as easy as C++. "Berlin" will offer extraordinary compute per-watt that enables massive rack density. It is expected to be available in the first half of 2014.


"Warsaw" is an enterprise server CPU optimized to deliver unparalleled performance and total cost of ownership for two- and four-socket servers. Designed for enterprise workloads, it will offer improved performance-per-watt, which drives down the cost of owning a "Warsaw"-based server while enabling seamless migration from the AMD Opteron 6300 Series family. It is a fully compatible socket with identical software certifications, making it ideal for the AMD Open 3.0 Server – the industry's most cost effective Open Compute platform. It is expected to be available in the first quarter of 2014.

About AMD

AMD (NYSE: AMD) is a semiconductor design innovator leading the next era of vivid digital experiences with its ground-breaking AMD Accelerated Processing Units (APUs) that power a wide range of computing devices. AMD's server computing products are focused on driving industry-leading cloud computing and virtualization environments. AMD's superior graphics technologies are found in a variety of solutions ranging from game consoles, PCs to supercomputers. For more information, visit

Cautionary Statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning AMD, its server roadmap and strategy, its ability to recapture market share in enterprise and data center servers, and the timing, features and functionality of AMD's future products, which are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are commonly identified by words such as "would," "may," "expects," "believes," "plans," "intends," "projects," and other terms with similar meaning. Investors are cautioned that the forward-looking statements in this document are based on current beliefs, assumptions and expectations, speak only as of the date of this document and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations. Risks include the possibility that Intel Corporation's pricing, marketing and rebating programs, product bundling, standard setting, new product introductions or other activities may negatively impact the company's plans; the company may be unable to develop, launch and ramp new products and technologies in the volumes that are required by the market at mature yields on a timely basis; that the company's third party foundry suppliers will be unable to transition its products to advanced manufacturing process technologies in a timely and effective way or to manufacture the company's products on a timely basis in sufficient quantities and using competitive technologies; the company will be unable to obtain sufficient manufacturing capacity or components to meet demand for its products or will not fully utilize its commitment with respect to GLOBALFOUNDRIES microprocessor manufacturing facilities; that customers stop buying the company's products or materially reduce their operations or demand for the company's products; that the company may be unable to maintain the level of investment in research and development that is required to remain competitive; that there may be unexpected variations in the market growth and demand for its products and technologies in light of the product mix that the company may have available at any particular time or a decline in demand; that the company will require additional funding and may be unable to raise sufficient capital on favorable terms, or at all; that global business and economic conditions will not improve or will worsen; that demand for computers will be lower than currently expected; and the effect of political or economic instability, domestically or internationally, on the company's sales or supply chain. Investors are urged to review in detail the risks and uncertainties in the company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2013.



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