2014 2021 Gas sensor forecast in M value




*消費類應用,如智能家居、可穿戴設備和智能手機,正在推動新型MEMS氣體 ​​傳感器發展,以降低成本和功耗、減小尺寸。

消費類市場是非常有吸引力的,因為它可以產生很大的市場,當然這取決於用戶使用情況、產品成本和技術成熟度。如今,智能手機行業已經徹底改變了傳感器產業,集成了種類繁多的傳感器。同樣地,氣體傳感器也可以集成於智能手機和可穿戴設備中。例如深圳市卡卓無線信息技術有限公司(K-Free)手機設計方案採用了Cambridge CMOS Sensors(簡稱CCS)的全數字架構MEMS氣體傳感器CCS811。該傳感器可以感測揮發性有機化合物(volatile organic compounds,VOC),如家具產生的甲醛,甚至還能作為警察檢測酒駕的呼吸測試器。

*現實情形(Realistic scenario):未來幾年,智能手機集成氣體傳感器的“步伐”緩慢,只有二線和三線智能手機廠商使用氣體傳感器。
*樂觀情形(Optimistic scenario):2016年,某些主流智能手機集成了氣體傳感器,並在未來五年日益普及。該情形取決於技術成熟度和成本。
* “過山車”情形(“Rollercoaster” scenario):2016年,某些主流智能手機集成了氣體傳感器,但是一年後,由於沒有明確的用戶需求,氣體傳感器又被剔除。例如三星Galaxy S3首次集成了濕度傳感器,但一年之後發布的Galaxy S4卻剔除了濕度傳感器。










光學技術具有最高的精確度和最長的使用壽命,但是由於成本過高和環境惡劣,並沒有廣泛地應用於交通運輸,而是獲得暖通空調的“青睞”,尤其是非色散紅外傳感器(NDIR )。隨著集成度進一步提高,光學技術還將打開便攜式工業檢測系統的市場。光學技術,如NDIR、傅立葉變換紅外(FTIR)、化學發光(chemiluminescence)和微色譜法(microchromatography),是很準確的,但是較為笨重和昂貴,某些情況下,功耗也較高。如果NDIR採用光電二極管和LED時,可以實現極低的功耗。

*採用MOS技術的公司:Micronas、Microsens、ams、Synkera、CCS、KWJ Engineering、Figaro 
*採用色譜法的公司:Spectral Engines、APIX、EcoLogicSense

氣體傳感器技術及相關廠商分佈圖(使用壽命vs. 應用)

氣體傳感器技術及相關廠商分佈圖(使用壽命vs. 應用)



氣體傳感器的新進廠商將帶來基於MEMS和光學集成平台的創新方法,採用無晶圓廠(Fabless)模式,依靠代工廠實現量產。例如,CCS與X-Fab、TSMC合作;Spectral Engines與VTT合作。因此,氣體傳感器為半導體和MEMS代工廠帶來新的商業機會。此外,半導體委外封測代工廠(OSAT)也可以為氣體傳感器提供創新的封裝技術。本報告中也包含一份全面的氣體傳感器新進廠商名單。

Disruptive technologies and emerging applications will make the gas sensor market skyrocket!


Air quality is becoming a major concern, and therefore gas sensors are increasingly attracting interest. Gas sensing technologies are not new. Gas sensors embedded in gas detectors for defense and industrial safety applications form a highly regulated and mature market. But the growing awareness of the air quality challenge humankind faces is creating new applications and opportunities. These include gas sensors in consumer products like home devices, wearables and smartphones, or for buildings and cars, including indoor/in-cabin air quality monitoring.

Yole Développement’s Gas Sensor report estimates that the gas sensor market is currently growing, driven by Heating, Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) and future consumer applications. It was worth $560M in 2014 and will reach almost $920M in 2021, at 7.3% CAGR. An upside market of almost $65M in 2021 is possible if gas sensors are widely adopted in consumers products.

There are numerous market drivers that will contribute to the growth: 
• Driven by better energy management, the building market will experience 13.6% CAGR for a total market estimated at $237M in 2021. 
• The medical industry is looking for very high sensitivity for asthma attack sensors or oxygen sensors for breath control. 
• Consumer applications such as wearables and smartphones are driving the development of new gas sensors to reduce cost, power consumption and size with MEMS technologies. 
• Driven by the desire for better outdoor air quality control, the environmental market will grow at almost 19% CAGR. 
• The transport market is driven by oxygen sensors and future depollution applications.

The consumer market is very attractive as it can drive very large volumes depending on user case adoption, cost and technical maturity. The smartphone industry has revolutionized the sensor industry as mobile applications today aggregate ever more sensors. Gas sensors could be the next to be integrated in smart phones and/or wearables. As we believe that user cases are crucial for wide adoption of gas sensors in consumer products, we have built a list of potential applications and benchmarked them.

Our report describes three different scenarios for the consumer application:

  • Realistic scenario: for the next few years, we foresee slow adoption of gas sensors by mobile manufacturers. Only Tier 2 and 3 smartphone manufacturers will embed gas sensors in mobiles.
  • Optimistic scenario: we assume integration of gas sensors in a major smartphone model in 2016 and growing adoption for the next five years. This scenario is dependent on technical maturity and cost.
  • “Rollercoaster” scenario: we simulate integration of gas sensors in a major smartphone model in 2016. But, one year later, the sensor will be removed by the company due to the absence of a clear user case. This case study is similar to the adoption and removal of the humidity sensor in the Samsung Galaxy S4.

Our optimistic scenario estimates a market volume of 350 million units in 2021.



There are plenty of gas sensor applications, each with their own technical requirements, such as the gases to be measured, sensitivity and selectivity, response time, lifetime and power consumption. Each also has its own business requirements including regulations, target price, maturity of the market and competition.

Yole Développement analysts have developed a dedicated methodology to build our unique market segmentation. Both technical and behavioral criteria are used in order to create a market segment. Consequently each segment includes players that have the same needs.

Yole Développement has classified gas sensors in six different market segments:

  • Consumer: Gas sensors embedded in consumer products including home devices, wearable electronics and mobile phones
  • HVAC: Gas sensors used for indoor/in-cabin air quality monitoring
  • Transport: Gas sensors used for exhaust gas measurement or in engine control for heavy duty vehicles
  • Medical: Gas sensors used for breath analysis in ventilation and point of care
  • Defense and Industrial Safety
  • Environment: Gas sensors used to monitor air quality and pollution peaks

Gas sensor technical and economic requirements


Gas sensing technology is a complex field with nine different approaches. In general, the right selection for gas sensing technology will depend on price, form factor, power consumption, sensitivity and response time.

Semiconductor technology (MOS) has the largest range of applications, spanning medical, transport, HVAC, consumer, and longest lifetime, from 5-10 years. Catalytic and electrochemical are ‘old’ technologies with short lifetimes, below five years, mostly used for defense and industrial applications.

Optical technologies have the highest accuracy and longest lifetime but are not widely used in transport because the environment is tough and cost pressure is high. They are largely used in HVAC, especially Non Dispersive Infrared sensors (NDIR). Further integration will open the way to portable systems for industrial applications. Optical technologies such as NDIR, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), chemiluminescence, and microchromatography are very accurate but bulky and costly with high power consumption in some cases. NDIR is an optical technology that can achieve very low power consumption when photodiodes are used with LEDs.

MEMS is not a new detection principle but a new manufacturing platform that allows further miniaturization of existing technologies such as:

  • MOS, as developed by Micronas, Microsens, ams, Synkera, CCMOS, KWJ Engineering, Figaro
  • IR, developed by CCMOS and eLichens
  • Chromatography, developed by Spectral Engines, APIX and EcoLogicSense

Gas sensor technology mapping lifetime and applicationsexamples of established and new players


The consumer market’s large volumes are hugely attractive. For this application, sensors require good sensitivity, reliability, and low cost, small form factor and low power budget. MOS seems to be the best candidate as cost and size fit the requirements for wearables and smartphones. However, as smartphones get more sensors, power consumption is becoming critical and sensors therefore need to be very low power today. Furthermore, MOS sensor sensitivity isn’t very good. Surprisingly, with the latest achievements in size reduction of optical gas sensors based on NDIR, this technology is now challenging MOS technology for consumer applications. NDIR sensors are already used in home products.

Newcomers in gas sensing bring very innovative approaches based on existing MEMS and optical integration platforms. These companies are often fabless, relying on a foundry partner for volume production. For example, CCMOS works with X-Fab and TSMC, and Spectral Engines works with VTT. Gas sensors can therefore be new opportunities for semiconductor and MEMS front-end foundries looking for more business. These sensors are often bulky, so Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test (OSAT) companies can also supply innovative packaging technologies. The report provides an extensive list of newcomers entering the gas sensing market.



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