
目前分類:Google Glasses/Watch/自動車/Chrome (148)

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2014年1月15日,Google以32億美元購併家庭智慧裝置廠商Nest Labs,是Google購併史上第三大收購案。Google這項動作,透露出其進入智慧家庭、搶占物聯網先機的企圖心。過去Google曾推出PowerMeter的能源管理服務,但並未成功,此次再以鉅資購併Nest,顯示其再戰家庭能源管理領域的意圖。


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Google 的 ATAP( Advanced Technology and Products Group)聯合數位醫療公司 Proteus 推出的,在你的腸胃中檢測各項身體數據的智能藥片馬上就要開始生產了。

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You’ve probably heard that diabetes is a huge and growing problem—affecting one in every 19 people on the planet. But you may not be familiar with the daily struggle that many people with diabetes face as they try to keep their blood sugar levels under control. Uncontrolled blood sugar puts people at risk for a range of dangerous complications, some short-term and others longer term, including damage to the eyes, kidneys and heart. A friend of ours told us she worries about her mom, who once passed out from low blood sugar and drove her car off the road. 

Many people I’ve talked to say managing their diabetes is like having a part-time job. Glucose levels change frequently with normal activity like exercising or eating or even sweating. Sudden spikes or precipitous drops are dangerous and not uncommon, requiring round-the-clock monitoring. Although some people wear glucose monitors with a glucose sensor embedded under their skin, all people with diabetes must still prick their finger and test drops of blood throughout the day. It’s disruptive, and it’s painful. And, as a result, many people with diabetes check their blood glucose less often than they should. 

Over the years, many scientists have investigated various body fluids—such as tears—in the hopes of finding an easier way for people to track their glucose levels. But as you can imagine, tears are hard to collect and study. At Google[x], we wondered if miniaturized electronics—think: chips and sensors so small they look like bits of glitter, and an antenna thinner than a human hair—might be a way to crack the mystery of tear glucose and measure it with greater accuracy.

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Google在2013年交出了亮眼的成績。截至2013年12月中旬,該公司股價上漲了約55%。相形之下,蘋果公司在同期間的股價僅增加4% 。
Google預計將在今年囊括一半以上的行動廣告收入,同時在目前行動裝置上最賺錢的 YouTube 頻道推波助瀾下,Google的市佔率也將持續成長,展現佳績。

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Motorola 想幫你在脖子上「刺」一個無線麥克風  

Motorola 已經註冊這種「刺青型」無線通話裝置的相關專利。這個裝置本身結合麥克風、無線接收器與電力為一體,然後能夠直接以類似刺青的形式放在人或「其他動物」(?)的脖子上。它顯然是利用已經在消費性產品到軍用品都能見到的骨傳導麥克風技術(Google Glass 也用上此技術),好處是能大幅降低外界背景噪音干擾通話。連線部分,Motorola 設定這類裝置能透過 NFC、Wi-Fi 或藍牙協定與裝置連線,本體也整合可重複充電或一次性電池做為電力來源。

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We've already had an inkling of a Google smartwatch, courtesy of some timely patents, company acquisitions and Wall Street Journal's unnamed sources. The latest gossip points to a launch next year, if the WSJ's contacts are correct, because development on the wearable has apparently reached the point where it "could be ready for mass production within months," and Google is said to have already started talks with Asian manufacturers.

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今年5月時,Google攜手加拿大的量子電腦公司D-Wave以及美國太空總署(NASA)成立了「量子人工智慧研究室」(Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab),想探索量子電腦的發展與應用。雖然這是一項對外公開的研究計畫,但這幾個月來卻行事相當低調,外界並不太清楚這個研究室到底想做些什麼?


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Google 再次出手收購了一間新公司,該公司是在 Mac App Store 受到歡迎的手勢辨別應用程式,可以利用 Webcam 手勢讓電腦回應,並支援如播放音樂與影片等簡單動作、甚至可以透過Chrome操作Youtube、GrooveShark等網頁,該程式目前也支援 Windows 7 以上版本。

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Google眼鏡之後是什麼?來自根特大學(Gent University)的博士研究生 Jelle De Smet 說:整合了顯示器的隱形眼鏡!

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Google 靜悄悄買下了智慧型手錶製造商 WIMM Labs  


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傳 Google 已用 13 億美元買下交通應用 Waze

The report on the website of financial newspaper Globes did not cite sources or provide further details.

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New Kind of LED Could Mean Better Google-Glass-Like Displays  

A tiny head-mounted display, like the one in Google Glass, will only be useful if you can see on-screen alerts and information clearly. And that’s tricky to achieve, especially without draining battery life—as Google notes, it can be hard to use Glass’s projected display in bright sunlight.

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Google手機可能在今夏以超低價搶市。「Android and Me」網站報導,Google企圖推出售價可能不到6000元台幣的智慧手機,還可讓買家訂做顏色與配備。

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Google Glass patent application shows detailed diagrams

Along with a lot of publicity, Project Glass from Google has generated a bevy of approved patents and applications, too, but the latest one shows that the search giant's trying to wrap up the whole kit and kaboodle -- replete with detailed diagrams and descriptions to back it up. Specifically, Mountain View is claiming the design of the frame itself including the bridge, brow portion, transparent display, input device plus the means for affixing everything. There are detailed descriptions of how the device can be configured -- for instance, one claim states that the screen could be adjusted "normal to the focal center of the eye," and the position of the electronics placed "over a first side of the ear." It goes on to explain the need for a balancing weight "over the second side" of the same ear in the latter case, such that "a majority of the overall weight is applied" to one side, which certainly jibes with some of what we've seen. That's just for starters, though -- head after the break to see more diagrams and details.  

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Google 申請在眼鏡上搭載骨傳導音訊裝置之專利  

我們已經知道 Google Glass 的功能仍在變化中,不過看來這種固定在耳旁,即可傳導聲音給使用者的骨傳導技術音訊系統,應該相當可能會成為未來搭載於這個充滿未來感眼鏡上的最新規格了。在今天從美國專利商標局被找到的這個 Google 最新專利申請文件裡,我們可以看到一個稱之為「具備骨傳導揚聲器的可穿戴式電腦裝置(wearable computing device with indirect bone-conduction speaker)」的專利文件,看起來像是被裝在類似眼鏡上的音訊裝置。

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Google dreams up tiny laser projection system to control Project Glass  

A virtual touchpad projected onto limbs and other everyday surfaces? That's the type of crazy idea we'd normally expect to see from Microsoft Research, not Google. Heck, maybe we even did, but Google is now applying to patent the concept specifically in relation to Project Glass. The system would use a tiny laser projector mounted on the arm of the spectacles to beam out QWERTY and other buttons, and then the built-in camera and processor would try to interpret finger movements in the region of those buttons. Hey presto! No more fiddling with your face.

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