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Ze Germans seem to be obsessed with Minority Report-style interior controls, and Mercedes-Benz has taken it to the next level with a full-scale interior with nary a button or switch to be found.

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Kogeto unveils Dot panoramic video capture prototypes for Android.jpg  

Earlier this week, Kogeto announced plans to bring its Dot panoramic video recording accessory to Android handsets. Having already launched an iPhone version of the device back in May, Kogeto has a prototype of its Android counterpart on display here at CES, along with a second prototype, for the GoPro HD Hero 2. The idea behind the device is pretty simple: just download Kogeto's app, attach the holster to your smartphone, and begin recording. The accessory will then automatically capture 360-degree panoramic video, which can then be uploaded to the web, via the company's dedicated web platform. While you're there, you can also use Kogeto's online editing tool to cut and splice your video, jumping from angle to angle with the company's intuitive user interface. The quality of the video we captured during our hands-on with an iPhone 4 version wasn't exactly top-notch, but we're told that there are notable improvements for 4S users. All told, it's definitely a cool little attachment, and one that seems rife with creative potential. The iPhone 4 version, as we mentioned earlier this year, retails for $79. The Android rendition, meanwhile, is slated to hit the market this fall, likely for a similar price. No word yet on when we can expect to see the Dot arrive for GoPro, but be sure to check out our full gallery and video, after the break.

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We're often resistant to pico-projectors purely because we've been there, you know? That's why this interactive kit from Microvision is so special. We took a quick look at the prototype of the forthcoming Touch Interactive projector, which senses the interruption pattern of its laser light (think: radar) in order to calculate where you're controlling the device. It makes gesture-based presentation capable without the sort of complicated Kinect setup we've shown you before and, if it works as well outside of the demo environment, (due to arrive at the end of this year) then we'd be pretty impressed with the results. Take a look at the very short video (it's a limited demo at this point) that we've got for you after the break.

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finestra (1).jpg

Always Socially Connected

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MicroVision Catapults Mobile Displays to the Next Level

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Welcome 2012 with this brand new episode of the Guessing Game. For the record, this is game number 9. Rules stay the same…look at this picture and make an educated guess as to what this could be. Each correct guess wins our love, admiration and respect! Leave your answer in the comments below!

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Please Sammy Widescope

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Yeon Su Kim 設計了一款 Air Camera 概念機,整個設計的概念很像是蘋果電腦,標榜用手勢即可操作電腦;使用 Air Camera ,只需要做出拍照的手勢,就可以拍照!這個概念機包含了一個長得像戒指的藍芽相機可以套在姆指上,以及一個同時為姿勢感應器和快門裝置的設備可以套在食指上,若做出按快門的手勢,將使用拍照功能,若做出錄影手勢,即可錄影,照片可同步直接儲存至智慧手機。

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▲Sony NEX-7

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Sony NEX-7 和 A65 相機復產,搬到沒被水淹的地方

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Sony可交換鏡頭式Full HD高畫質數位攝影機Handycam【NEX-VG20H】登場   

以精巧可攜式設計與強大影像力,廣受專業攝影、攝影愛好者、與教學使用者喜愛的Sony可交換鏡頭消費型高畫質數位攝影機,推出全新進階機種Handycam【NEX-VG20H】,採用1,610萬畫素Exmor APSC HD CMOS感光元件,配備環繞音效陣列式立體聲麥克風,新增5.1聲道錄音與音頻調整功能,支援Sony的E接環鏡頭,還可以轉接環【LA-EA2】相容A接環鏡頭並支援自動對焦,創造色彩豐富飽和且景深層次分明的Full HD動態影像與高畫素靜態畫面,其機身與按鍵設計更貼近人體工學,同時搭載3吋觸控式大螢幕,提供輕鬆順手的握拿與操作,滿足消費者對於影像藝術創作的渴望。

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海華科技宣布,其結合無線模組、Android軟體開發與光機電技術之整合型可攜式無線投影平台解決方案,榮獲2012年CES美國最大消費性電子展產品創新大獎 (CES Innovations 2012 Design and Engineering Awards) 殊榮。

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Swann Releases Swann Freestyle HD - 1080p High Definition Wearable Video Camera with LCD Viewer

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想不到 Canon 除了 C300 外,今天竟然還有更多 EOS Movie 產品線的攝影機即將推出的消息。主站在發表會中看到了一部原型的數位單眼相機,宣稱將可適用電影影像及其他「高解析」數位製作的應用方向。這台 DSLR 目前已知將配備 35mm 的全幅影像感測器並可錄製 24fps 4K 畫質的 Motion-JPEG。在圖集中由官方所釋出的樣照可以看到,這台具備旗艦機身外觀的 4K 錄影相機安裝上 EF 50mm 鏡頭,及最新的 Cine 24mm 電影鏡頭的樣子(發表會就已經覺得這顆鏡頭超大顆,想不到裝上單眼機身還真是沙鍋大的鏡頭啊)。彷彿看到具備 RED 錄影等級的 Canon 新一代 C(Cinema)系列機身與鏡頭的未來樣貌。知名影集 House 的導演也早已使用其直接參與影集拍攝過,並早已認為這樣的器材將是「未來所趨」,似乎也代表它降臨的時間應應該不會相隔太遠,這也成為 Canon 在此次發表所埋下的驚人伏筆。究竟是否真的只是錄影專用,或是除了 1D X 路線之外的最新高畫質規格路線的旗艦單眼呢(EOS 1C??)?引用來源將可看到完整新聞稿內容。

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Projector Camera Smily Face

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Epson發表3D HTPS面板 引領3D投影革新

精工愛普生公司 (簡稱Epson) 已於日前發表全球第一片專為3D 3LCD投影機使用之高溫多晶矽(HTPS)面板。該片HTPS面板採用”Bright 3D Drive”技術,使用最新製程所生產。Bright 3D Drive技術將影像之更新頻率,由240Hz倍增到480Hz;以更快的更新頻率,所投射出的3D影像,會比使用傳統240Hz更新頻率的面板所投射出的3D影像,亮度提昇1.5倍。Epson 已將此技術運用在業已量產中之新3D HTPS面板系列產品中。

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