一向以節能著稱的ARM big.LITTLE處理器技術正逐漸導入高階裝置市場,而現在這項技術也能用於主流的中價位智慧型手機,讓使用者能透過手中的裝置完成更多任務。相較於在市場上已大獲成功的Cortex-A9處理器,Cortex-A12處理器號稱在相同功耗下,效能可提升40%。在同等級解決方案中,Cortex-A12處理器可提供最佳的效能,並能搭配Cortex-A7 處理器,支援創新的big.LITTLE處理器技術,讓中價位主流裝置也能具備虛擬化等高階智慧型手機及平板裝置功能。

ARM行銷長暨執行副總裁Ian Drew表示:「行動裝置用戶期待市場上有各種類型、不同價位的終端產品,並希望中價位主流行動裝置也能具備一些高階行動裝置所搭載的功能。在2013年,智慧型手機出貨量預期將達10億支,同時平板裝置的出貨量也預估將超越筆記型電腦,裝置製造商必須能在不同的價位,提供高品質、高效能、並且具備重要關鍵功能的行動裝置。隨著行動運算市場正以驚人的速度不斷演進,目前已有各種解決方案提供半導體業者及行動裝置製造商作為選擇,而ARM的優化IP組合則可為中價位主流行裝置市場增添更多選項。」


Cortex-A12 Processor

The Cortex®-A12 processor is the highest performance mid-range mobile processing solution designed for mobile applications like the use in smartphones and tablets devices. The Cortex-A12 processor is the successor to the highly successful Cortex-A9 processor and is optimized for highest performance in the mainstream mobile power envelope leading to best-in-class efficiency.

The Cortex-A12 processor, and its high performance and high-end feature set, unlocks many new use cases available exclusively in Premium devices today. Mid-range devices can finally build on the success of high-end devices and continue driving the fastest growing market segment in mobile. Features include, but not limited to:

1TB addressable memory space – supporting future needs of mobile software
Virtualization and TrustZone® security technology – security enabling new use cases like BYOD for your mobile device
Supported by a range of other ARM technology IP including ARM System IP, ARM POP IP and development tools, the Cortex-A12 processor enables ARM powered solutions that contribute to the very best user experience in terms of responsiveness and battery life. The Cortex-A12 processor is a highly tuned processor that will bring the performance of high-end mobile devices into mid-range smartphone and tablets, as well as into other great consumer market opportunities.





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