ARM 宣佈與台積電、 Global Foundries 在工藝製程持續合作,預計在下一代的 20nm 左右的製程,將時脈突破 3GHz 大關,並由於製程更為先進,預期能夠再提昇 30% 的時脈與 25% 功耗,核心面積並會比現在小上 1.9 倍。
當時脈提升到 3GHz ,運算核心效能能夠比現在更為驚人,且核心面積縮小,意味著接下來會有更多的空間能夠用來塞 GPU 架構與其它架構;不過首先受惠的會是針對手持平台的 Cortex-A15 架構?還是以運算級的 64 位元架構的 Cortex-A50 家族?
當然 Intel 最近也是來勢洶洶,除了繼續堅守 PC 防線外,也擴大在平板與手機的布局,尤其傳聞新一代針對平板的 Atom 將提供比目前旗艦 ARM 處理器如 Snapdragon 800 更高的效能,然而 Intel 能夠因此在手機、平板翻身,或是 ARM 陣營這邊會旋即再讓 Intel 成為追隨者?
Next generation ARM processors to get to 3GHz
30 percent faster at 25 percent less power
TSMC and GlobalFoundries are expected to have 20nm mobile chip production in 2014 and this should align with the next generation of ARM based mobile processors. At the moment 2.3GHz is currently the limit 28nm and Snapdragon 800 and Tegra 4i (Grey) that is set to come in late 2013 or early 2014 both stop at this magical clock.
In order to surpass this number there is a big indication that companies will have to go for a smaller manufacturing node such as 20nm. At 20nm TSMC promises 30 percent higher speed and 1.9 times better density at 25 percent less power. The 30 percent faster will get ARM SoCs to around 3GHz with significantly more transistors that will mostly be spent on graphics. This is most likely how Nvidia plans to put the Kepler core on a Logan processor but we don’t have this confirmed, it just makes sense.
The 25 percent reduction in power consumption can be translated into a 25 percent better battery life boost with next generation SoCs. Since poor battery life is still one of the top complaints when it comes to smartphones, consumers should look forward to 20nm.
This will make the ARM alliance more competitive and ready to face the x86 threat coming from Intel and AMD, especially in the tablet and convertible space, but we are confident that Intel is not sleeping. If all goes well toward the end of 2014 Intel is going to get to 14nm Atoms, and AMD has a chance to get to the same transistor size with GlobalFoundries that has promised 14nm in the 2014.
Last modified on Monday, 08 July 2013 11:02
新聞來源: Fudzilla