I-slate平板電腦設計用於教授那些學校用電緊張或根本無學可上的學生們學習數學和其他科目。該設備將於明年開始全面生產,並首次應用了一種名為隨機互補性金屬氧化物半導體(probabilistic CMOS)低功耗技術,可延長電池的使用時間。
2006年,美國萊斯大學教授、新加坡南洋理工大學的可持續納米電子學研究所的負責人克里希納·帕萊姆(Krishna Palem)第一次向外界展示了隨機互補性金屬氧化物半導體。而目前,帕萊姆正忙於將此技術進行多種應用,包括一種低能耗的助聽器。他表示,教學性平板設備中的隨機芯片將大大地節約能源:這種平板設備只需要3瓦特的電量,也就是說那些安裝在袖珍計算器中的太陽能電池就能啟動它。
I-slate看上去像一台iPad平板電腦,擁有一個7英寸液晶觸摸屏。但它不是一個真正的平板電腦——實際上,和那些資助落後地區兒童的項目如“每人一機”等為孩子們提供的硬件設備所不同的是,它根本就不是一台電腦,也沒有所謂的操作系統。“它是一台精巧的、單一功能的設備,” 帕萊姆說。孩子們可以通過觸筆在屏幕上操作來閱讀預載的教科書或做筆記或算數學題。設備還能夠存儲幾頁筆記。
帕萊姆在南陽理工學院的團隊正在與印度一家非營利性組織村莊學習和發展基金會(Villages for Development and Learning Foundation)以及洛杉磯的Seso設計公司合作,共同開發I-slate設備。去年,其團隊在印度海得拉巴市西南70英里處的一座小村莊Mohd Hussainpalli的學校裡測試了I-slates原型,該原型設備加載了這所學校的數學教科書和習題。在印度的這片地區,供電並不穩定,一些村子裡也沒有教師。
Seso公司總裁馬克·梅爾滕斯(Marc Mertens)設計了I-slate設備的界面。他說,這個挑戰在於要解決“在確保I-slate所要做的越少越好的前提下,哪種理想方式最適用於學生”這個問題。這種方法使得硬件成本和能量消耗處於最低值。動畫以及其他復雜的、有豐富媒體的工具根本是行不通的。那個數學項目是基於那一地區的教科書標準並允許學生按照自己的學習進度來進步。他們遇到不懂的東西可以選擇跳過。老師可以下載學生電腦中的信息來監督他們的學習進度。
鄉村學習發展基金會的董事長Rajeswari Pingali說:
I-Slate which was said to be the low cost Tablet is entering in to the second phase. After numerous experiments performed by group of schools on this educational device, the I-Slate is stepping into the production stage.
This product was initially announced last year which was developed by Institute for Sustainable and Applied Infodynamics (ISAID), a joint venture of Houston’s Rice University and Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University. This is said to be the Tablet which will be sold for less than US $50.
Though the future versions of this Tablet are expected to run using solar power, the initial version will have the traditional battery in it. Project leader Krishna Palem has created an extremely low power chip which gets the power from the in-built solar cells. These cells are similar to what is being used in calculators. The main reason behind such an innovation is to use the Tablets in areas where there are frequent electrical outages.
As it is mainly for educational purpose, the Tablet will come with educational software utilizing extreme low power. Installation of other software may not be possible. The trial version which was tested out in 2010 had the mathematics programs installed in it. This program helped the students to know the reason for wrong answers.
With the feedback from students, the upcoming versions will have the science and social lessons included along with the mathematics programs. Also there are plans for the integration of social networking apps in the Tablet.
Soon, 50 I-Slates powered by battery will be reaching India to get tested. By mid of 2012, solar cell based Tablets are expected to reach the audience. As of now there are no words of its release to other countries.