LONDON – Embedded and mobile software company Wind River Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of chip giant Intel Corp., has teamed up with China's Leadcore Technology Co. Ltd. to develop an ARM-based system-on-chip platform for Android smartphones.

Leadcore, has supplied its ARM9-based SoC to the partnership and will launch its Cortex-A9 based SoC later this year. Wind River (Alameda, Calif.) worked with Leadcore to get Android running on Leadcore’s SoC platform, including performance optimization customization of Android to take advantage of specific Leadcore SoC capabilities. 

As part of the development Leadcore (Shanghai, China) has implemented Wind River’s test software to test the smartphone platform for compliance with the Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS).

"Wind River can help customers enter desirable regional markets quickly with high-quality Android devices certified on local operator networks," said Jerry Ashford, vice president and general manager of mobile solutions at Wind River, in a statement. 

"We were in search of a trusted partner with Android experience who could help us navigate through the complexities of Android development and testing, including Android compliance," said Sun Yuwang, president of Leadcore, in the same statement. "Wind River has the proven Android expertise and deep knowledge of Chinese operator requirements. Being able to leverage the combination of both was essential for our success."

A hardware abstraction layer test suite within the Framework for Automated Software Testing (FAST) enables engineering teams to determine how to test a system before it becomes functional, Wind River said. FAST executes automated application-driven stress tests and performance tests which freed up Leadcore engineers to focus on low-level software development and board support package hardening, Wind River claimed.

Leadcore is one of the companies included in the EE Times Confidential China Fabless Profile & Database report that can be ordered from



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