

波特蘭,俄勒岡州,目前,超過30%的膝關節置換手術,患“手術霧”內部骨骼的精確定位,是很難確定造成的錯位問題。加入模擬設備公司的高精度MEMS傳感器的補充,來追踪手術前只是瞬間的路線和患者的膝關節運動,OrthAllign公司(加利福尼亞州Aliso Viejo的)目的是高達對齊成功率100 高精度的ADI公司IMU的%。

 “ 讓我們KneeAlign制度執行以及成本$ 400,000或以上的光學系統,大流士Kharabi,OrthAlign企業發展的副總裁說 。“ “現在外科醫生可以得到近乎完美對齊一個易於使用的設備,成本價格的一小部分。“賭注是巨大的,因為超過675,000膝關節置換執行每年僅在美國 ,表明趨勢, 將有多達350萬美國人到2030年執行的程序,根據衛生保健研究與質量局(美國馬里蘭州羅克維爾,),不幸的是,今天最膝關節置換使用陳舊的機械調整工具是不精確的,在成功率不到70%,根據關節置換。到現在為止,唯一的辦法是購買一個光學定位系統,以提高成功率 。但儀器體積大,很難使用,價格昂貴,導致膝關節置換術的外科醫生使用他們的不到5% 。


該公司收到本月初的食品和藥物管理局的批准,其第二代KneeAlign儀器,指導外科醫生時的頂部和底部都severances必要消除自然膝蓋和機械插入在TKA。ADI公司 IMU的選擇膝蓋的方向,其高精度的三軸陀螺儀和加速度計的使用實時跟踪,根據OrthAllign。IMU的軸承模塊安裝好後,自然膝蓋,醫 ​​生只是把膝蓋自然把其正常範圍內的議案的程序,時間小於一分鐘後,算法採用精密運動跟踪從MEMS傳感器的數據來計算究竟在何處被切斷的骨頭需要。


PORTLAND, Ore.—Currently, more than 30 percent of knee replacement surgeries suffer from misalignment problems caused by the "fog of surgery"–where the precise orientation of internal bones is difficult to determine. By adding a complement of Analog Device Inc.'s high-precision MEMS sensors to track the alignment and motion of a patient's knee just moments before the surgery, OrthAllign Inc. (Aliso Viejo,Calif.) aims to up alignment success rate to 100 percent.

"The high-precision of Analog Devices' IMU enables our KneeAlign system to perform as well as optical systems that cost $400,000 or more," said Darius Kharabi, OrthAlign’s vice president of corporate development. "Now surgeons can now get virtually perfect alignment with an easy-to-use device that costs a fraction of the price."

The stakes are huge, since more than 675,000 knee replacements are performed every year in the U.S. alone, with trends indicating that as many as 3.5 million Americans will have the procedure performed by 2030, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (Rockville, Md.).

Unfortunately, today most knee replacements are performed using antiquated mechanical alignment tools which are imprecise, resulting in a success rate of less than 70 percent, according to Journal of Arthroplasty. Until now, the only alternative was purchasing an optical alignment system to increase success rates. But the instruments are bulky, hard-to-use and expensive, resulting in less than 5 percent of knee replacement surgeons using them. 

The new OthAllign MEMS-based instrument, on the other hand, is small enough to hand hold, cheap enough to throw away after a single use, works in just a few seconds, and is as precise as the optical systems costing hundreds of thousands of dollars more, according to OrthAllign.

OrthAllign was founded in 2008 and has already demonstrated a MEMS-based knee-surgery alignment tool for performing one part of the total knee arthroplasty (TKA) procedure. The company received this month Food and Drug Administration approval for its second-generation KneeAlign instrument, which guides the surgeon when making both the top and bottom severances necessary to remove the natural knee and insert the mechanical one during TKA.
The IMU from Analog Devices was chosen for its high-precision use of three-axis gyroscopes and accelerometers to track knee orientation in real time, according to OrthAllign. After attaching the IMU-bearing module to the natural knee, the surgeon merely moves the natural knee threw its normal range of motion—a procedure that takes less than a minute—after which algorithms uses the precision motion tracking data from the MEMS sensors to calculate exactly where the bones need to be severed. A display on the front panel of the KneeAlign instrument shows surgeons exactly how to adjust their cutting instrument to insure perfect alignment for the artificial knee.

OrthAllign's MEMS-based KneeAlign instrument is currently being used by the Hospital for Special Surgery (New York) and the Scripps Green Hospital (San Diego), but will be available to hospitals nationwide in the first quarter of 2012.



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