可撓式顯示技術是目前各家顯示技術廠商除了持續衝高解析度之外相當重視的技術發展重點,雖然目前已經作出曲面顯示技術並可量產用於電視、手機,不過離真正的可撓式還有一段距離;不過 LG 最近展示一張 18 吋的 OLED 螢幕,解析度為 1,280 x 810 ,可以彎曲到直徑 3 公分,與塑膠板的特性已經很接近。
根據 Ubergizmo 與 LG 詢問關於此柔性顯示技術的發展, LG 表示他們預期在 2017 年推出 60 吋以上的可撓式 Ultra-HD 螢幕。這麼大尺寸的可撓性螢幕應該就是使用在電視或是戶外的電子看板為主,當然還有些許的可能性,例如運送的收納或是隨著布置的環境有更多的擺設方式等。
It’s a demo that always gets people’s attention: a display being flexed and rolled while it’s actually working and displaying something. You have seen these demos times and time again, but not with a big 18-inch display.
LG is no stranger to flexible displays. It was the first company to come up with a curved TV as a real product. But this 18-inch prototype can be rolled down to a radius of 3cm while still being functional, and technically, this is quite impressive.
When I asked LG about what this may become, I’ve been told that by 2017, LG Display intends to build a functional Ultra-HD flexible panel that is 60”+ big. Sure, I don’t roll my TV, but with an open mind, you can see a lot of possibilities to “hide” TV (till them in and out) to preserve space or for design purposes. This could open a lot of design possibilities. The same thing holds true for the transportability of displays in general. What if you 30” monitor could be rolled up in a little 3cm tube for easy transportation? Not bad!
But we’re still a far from that goal. At the moment, this particular 18” monitor has a 1200×810 resolution (1M pixels and a PPI of about 80). In the meantime, this is yet another step towards displays that are free of rigid, rectangular structures.