All that gear is shoved into a 3D-printed module and attached to the BT-100 to turn it into a pair of smart glasses. In addition to the cameras and sensors, APX also hacked an Epson daughter board onto the Moverio's controller to allow an HDMI video feed from a smartphone to be shown on the displays. This result? A system that understands where you are, what you're seeing and hearing and a UI that allows users to glean information from the world around them using voice commands and head gestures. That should sound familiar to fans of Google Glass, but by using Epson's binocular displays, these smart glasses can convey depth in a way Mountain View's monocle cannot. (Not to mention that Glass doesn't even do AR apps... yet). The hardware we got to see was a crude prototype built for demo purposes only, but the software platform shows promise and Epson's got a version two Moverio headset in the works -- so perhaps you can see a bit of the future of smart glasses in the video after the break.
Epson公司去年開發出首款具備擴增實境(AR)能力的頭戴式顯示器(HMD)── Moverio ,當時該公司將這款產品定位在與Google眼鏡開發計劃一樣的消費應用市場。然而,如果我們以這款 Epson Moverio 視為該計劃的指標,那麼 Google Glass 顯然並未取得成功。如今,Epson公司已開發出第二代 Moverio 了,不但比 Google Glass 更領先一個世代,同時,這一次,該公司的目標已從消費應用轉至工業市場,並已成功地取得了Scope Technologies公司的訂單。
Scope Technologies公司創辦人Scott Montgomerie指出,「我們很快地看到了Epson Moverio的潛在工業應用機會,例如透過傳送資訊並顯示在頭載式眼鏡上,技術人員們即可掌握如何進行維修的任務等細節,不必再依賴維修服務手冊了。」
Scope Technologies使用Moverio眼鏡來投射出策略性資訊,例如在待修復的設備上顯示虛擬工具及執行必要修復作業的細節。因此,它能夠取代現場查詢服務手冊的不便,技術人員只要戴上Moverio眼鏡,注視著待修復的設備,那麼有關故障位置與修復步驟等資訊,都會一一投射在設備上。
Epson公司新市場產品經理Eric Mizufuka表示:「目前我們正與Scope Technologies等工業領域夥伴合作,期望將這種可穿戴式的透明顯示技術帶入更專業的工業應用中。」
使用者可在皮帶上配戴一款以電池供電的小型 Android 電腦──約相當於一支智慧型手機的大小。 透過連接Wi-Fi,可讓視覺服務手冊或任何其他所需的視訊內容接加載至Android電腦中。
Epson專為滿足工業應用所需規格(例如Scope Technologies的視覺服務手冊)而設計的第二代 Moverio眼鏡現已準備就緒。該新產品增加了一個攝影鏡頭,以便利用樣本比對演算法,精確地安排即將直接加載於故障元件上的策略資訊。
編譯:Susan Hong
(參考原文:Epson AR glasses aim at industry,by R Colin Johnson)