AllThingsD 和 CNET 都分別確認了 AMD 可能會在下個星期宣佈裁減 20% 至 30% 的員工,亦有來源指出可能只會裁 10% 左右。AMD 的員工總數有 11,737 人(2012 年 6 月 30 號的數字),換言之如果傳聞屬實的話將會影響到約 2,300 至 3,500 名員工;據報涉及的部門包括工程和銷售部,更可能會讓到公司縮減產品線。AllThingsD 表示 AMD 最快會在本月 18 號公佈季度財報時順道宣佈裁員,另外一個可能的日子就是 25 號,所以傳聞是真是假,或許在一個星期內就知了。
Advanced Micro Devices is prepping for layoffs that could impact a significant percentage of its staff, CNET has learned.
The company, which makes processors for PCs and servers, could let go 20 percent to 30 percent of its employees within coming weeks, according to people familiar with the matter, though they added that the number of affected workers might also be lower.
AMD may announce the move -- its second big staff cut in the past year -- as soon as next week. It reports quarterly earnings Thursday. AMD had 11,737 employees as of the end of the second quarter, the company said in a financial table on its Web site.
An AMD spokesman declined to comment.
The chipmaker, whose shares hit a multiyear low today, has been struggling of late. Rival Intel has been dominating the PC and server markets, while graphics competitor Nvidia has gained strong traction with its latest GPU. It doesn't help, either, that the overall computer market has been slumping badly.