目前僅配備在部分高價車款的自動緊急煞停系統(Automatic Emergency Braking,AEB),未來將成為美國汽車基本配備。全球10大車廠已承諾美政府,未來在美出售新車都將配有自動煞停系統,實施時間未定。
美運輸部長福克斯前天說,奧迪(Audi)、BMW、福特(Ford)、通用(GM)、馬自達(Mazda)、賓士(Mercedes Benz)、特斯拉(Telsa)、豐田(TOYOTA)、福斯(Volkswagen)及VOLVO等車廠都同意,自動煞停系統未來將成為新車標準配備。
Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) combines advanced driver assist systems and Electronic Stability Control to slow the vehicle and potentially mitigate the severity of an impact when a collision is unavoidable. TRW offers solutions for city driving and higher speed situations.
AEB works with or without driver intervention by combining data from forward-looking radar and video systems to provide a complete, accurate and real-time image of the road ahead. AEB can utilize long-range radar (LRR) or mid-range radar (MRR) in combination with a scalable video camera.
Next, brake pressure is applied automatically, providing maximum brake boost immediately once the driver does engage the brakes.
If a driver's steering and braking intervention is not enough to avoid a collision, autonomous emergency braking with maximum brake pressure will be applied to help mitigate the impact. This final action is realized as full ABS braking, and it ensures maximum speed reduction. AEB is the highest escalation step for a safety system to react to a critical situation.