



由Fraunhofer IPMS研究人員開發的無線通訊技術並不只是補強或替代有線傳輸技術。這項技術由於能夠實現高達每秒1Gb的資料傳輸率,因而比 WLAN 等傳統的無線技術性能更優,適於必須即時進行大量資料傳輸的所有的應用領域。

Fraunhofer IPMS開發的解決方案利用紅外光作為無線傳輸介質。所謂的光學無線通訊技術使用的是每秒幾Gb頻寬的國際非管制光譜,在傳輸端與接收端之間毫無阻礙,誤碼率最小化(<10-9),因而具有傳輸比現有無線解決方案更高十倍資料量的能力。而且,它只需使用用戶資料每傳輸位元組約15%的能耗。

開發人員們已經開發出第一個 Li-Fi 熱點原型,以展示這項可在高達10公尺距離範圍內實現1Gbps傳輸率的光學無線通訊。這款無需驅動器的收發器模組結合了一個光學收發器以及具有Gb乙太網路介面的協定控制器。因此,這款模組可易於整合在一般的工業系統中。Fraunhofer IPMS還提供了一款評估套件,吏其能夠在各種不同的應用現場測試 Li-Fi HotSpot 的優點。

現在家庭開始使用越來越多的LED燈,而隨著技術的發展,LED燈也將打開為無線設備接入無線網路打開新的途徑,而且LED燈所帶來的Li-Fi(Light Fidelity,可見光無線通訊)無線網路無論是網路帶寬還是反應速度都比Wi-Fi無線網路要快。最起碼,在艾登堡大學,該校移動通訊學院主席Harald Hass是這麼希望。

Haas說,「所有的部件、所有的技術都已經存在了。現在只需要把它們組合在一起就可以讓 Li-Fi 光無線網開始運行。」

Haas的課題組中除了愛登堡大學的研究人員之外,還有來自劍橋大學、牛津大學、聖安德魯森大學燈大學的研究人員,該課題已經持續了4年,得到了英國工程與物理科學研究委員會580萬英鎊的資金支持。課題組研究超並聯可視光通訊技術(ultra¬parallel visible light communication),即使用燈泡的多種顏色來提供數米範圍內的高帶寬網路連接。科研人員表示,Li-Fi光無線網可以補充甚至部分替代傳統的Wi-Fi網路。但是取代Wi-Fi的射頻技術是一場相當困難的戰爭。


但是Haas說,限於當前的LED技術以及把LED燈同時當發射器和接收器,所以速度並不算快。聯合課題組的成員其實已經開發出了更好的LED燈泡,這盞光輸出只有5毫瓦的LED燈,而且還使用了一個高帶寬二極管作為接收器,其數據傳輸速率已經接近4Gb/s。在使用簡單的透鏡進行距離增強之後,這盞LED燈在10米範圍內的數據傳輸速率可以達到1.1Gb/s。Haas還表示,他們將很快把速率提高到15Gb/s。802.11ad Wi-Fi標準使用60GHz射頻波段,速率大約為7Gb/s,所以,Li-Fi光無線網的速率是其速率的兩倍。

他們使用了雪崩光電二極管(avalanche photodiode)來作為Li-Fi設備的無線訊號接收器。在雪崩光電二極管中,單個光子撞擊接收器的時候會激起電子「雪崩」,增加了訊號的強度。Haas的團隊在Li-Fi研發中心開發了第一片集成雪崩光電二極管CMOS的Li-Fi接收器。這片只有7.8平方毫米的晶片上有49個二極管。

與此同時,德國的弗勞恩霍夫研究所在2014年的慕尼黑電子交易會上展示了Li-Fi無線熱點。弗勞恩霍夫研究所該項目的負責主任Frank Deicke表示,這一系統更像是紅外線系統,目標工業客戶而非普通消費者。該熱點發射點對點的數據連接,速率可到1Gb/s。

Deicke說,「傳輸速率超過USB線。對於絕大多數無線技術,比如Wi-Fi和藍牙來說,能超過 USB都是很大的挑戰。」Deicke表示,該技術還有另外一大優勢,Wi-Fi訊號傳輸的延遲一般都是按毫秒來計算的,而Li-Fi的延遲是按微秒來計算的(1000微秒 = 1毫秒)。在工業應用中,數據傳輸需要經過傳感器、促動器、控制單元,因此低延遲,高速率的Li-Fi比Wi-Fi更有用。他說,「我們不想取代Wi-Fi技術。這不是我們的目標。」


歐洲的科研人員和網路公司正準備將Li-Fi技術推往消費市場。這一夥人正著手於一個名為「高級融合且以管理創新網路設計(ACEMIND)」的項目,可以幫助用戶管理家庭或者小企業的本地網路。ACEMIND包括了多個項目,測試了不同的技術,其中就包括Li-Fi。參與該項目的雅典大學科研人員Dmitris Katsianis認為,Li-Fi技術在未來5年能進入實用階段。Li-Fi 在一些電磁敏感場所具備很大的優勢,比如醫院、機艙、電站等。


(參考原文:Li-Fi communication module wirelessly transfers data at 1-Gbps,by Paul Buckley)

The optical technology, which is especially designed for industrial customers and can already be tested as a compact Customer Evaluation Kit, is one of Fraunhofer IPMS highlights at this years electronica event which is held in Munich, Germany from November 11-14, 2014.

High data rates, robustness, low energy consumption, data security and networking capability. The requirements for data exchange in the entire production and process automation segment, in which industrial equipment is becoming ever more complex and in which more and more sensors, machines and control units are communicating with each other, are enormous. The growth of these requirements has also resulted in increased demands to find substitutes for the prevailing wire-bound fieldbus systems. That is because, especially in the case of movable or moving equipment components, such as grapplers or lifting devices, wireless systems offer better reliability and security than expensive special cables or collector rings that are prone to wear and tear; they are also easier to install and offer more flexibility. In addition, they are always required when the installation of a signal cable from sensor or actuating elements to the control unit is either impossible or very cumbersome and the use of wireless solutions offers significant cost savings in terms of installation and maintenance.

The wireless communication technology developed by the scientists at Fraunhofer IPMS can do much more than supplement or replace cable-bound transmission technologies. Thanks to a data rate of 1 Gigabit per second, it is also superior to conventional wireless technologies such as WLAN and is therefore predestined for all application areas in which large data volumes must be transmitted virtually in real time.

The solution developed by Fraunhofer IPMS uses light in the infrared range as the wireless transmission medium. The so-called optical wireless communication uses the internationally non-regulated spectrum of light with bandwidths of several Gigabits per second and - provided there are no blocks between sender and recipient - has the potential to transmit data up to ten times faster than available wireless solutions, with minimal bit error rates (<10-9). To do this, it only needs 15 percent of the energy per transmitted byte of user data. 

The first Li-Fi HotSpot that serves as a prototype for optical wireless communication for distances of up to 10 meters will be presented to a trade audience for the first time at electronica. The driverless transceiver module combines an optical transceiver and protocol controller with a Giagbit Ethernet interface. Therefore it can be easily integrated into common industrial systems. Fraunhofer IPMS offers its customers a Customer Evaluation Kit so they can test the benefits of the Li-Fi HotSpot in a variety of application fields.





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    Shacho San


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