NJIT professor Som Mitra (left) invented a flexible battery with assistance from Zhiqian Wang, a doctoral student in chemistry. Credit: NJIT
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2013-11-njit-flexible-battery-carbon-nanotubes.html#jCp
可以彎曲的智慧手機已經不止一款了,彎曲的螢幕已經不是問題,現在就要考慮可以彎曲的電池了。三星在 Round 機型中將電池模組打造得很狹長,這樣回避了如何將電池彎曲的障礙,但是可彎曲的邊緣依然有空間可以利用。新澤西理工學院 的科學家們發明了一種新電池,可以完美解決這個問題。這種電池使用碳納米管,不僅靈活多變(就如同其它可彎曲電池一樣),而且可擴展性很好,可以適配微小或者較大的電子設備(原文提到可以做成小如針尖,大如地毯那麼大的電池),具備很好的可塑性。研究人員聲稱,你甚至在家中就可以通過層壓機來壓板裝配這種電池,通過薄膜隔開正負兩個電極片,連上電器就可以使用了
Researchers at NJIT have developed a flexible battery made with carbon nanotubes that could potentially power electronic devices with flexible displays.
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2013-11-njit-flexible-battery-carbon-nanotubes.html#jCp
Electronic manufacturers are now making flexible organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays, a pioneering technology that allow devices such as cell phones, tablet computers and TVs to literally fold up.
And this new battery, given its flexibility and components, can be used to power this new generation of bendable electronics. The battery is made from carbon nanotubes and micro-particles that serve as active components—similar to those found in conventional batteries. It is designed, though, to contain the electro-active ingredients while remaining flexible.
"This battery can be made as small as a pinhead or as large as a carpet in your living room," says Somenath Mitra, a professor of chemistry and environmental science whose research group invented the battery. "So its applications are endless. You can place a rolled-up battery in the trunk of your electric car and have it power the vehicle."
A patent application on the battery has been filed, and the battery will be featured in an upcoming issue of Advanced Materials. Mitra developed the new technology at NJIT with assistance from Zhiqian Wang, a doctoral student in chemistry.
The battery has another revolutionary potential, in that it could be fabricated at home by consumers. All one would need to make the battery is a kit comprised of electrode paste and a laminating machine. One would coat two plastic sheets with the electrode paste, place a plastic separator between the sheets and then laminate the assembly. The battery assembly would function in the same way as a double-A or a triple-A battery.
"We have been experimenting with carbon nanotubes and other leading technologies for many years at NJIT," says Mitra, "and it's exciting to apply leading-edge technologies to create a flexible battery that has myriad consumer applications."