自 2007 年的初代 iPhone 以來,Samsung 就一直是 Apple iOS 裝置晶片的唯一生產商。考慮到兩者在行動市場中水火不容的對立局面,這樣的合作關係可謂是非常之微妙。早先華爾街日報曾報導稱,Apple 為了避免這份尷尬,正計畫將明年行動產品晶片的生產業務轉包給台積電。但今天,南韓那邊又傳來了截然不同的聲音。
據當地媒體報導,以 iPhone 7(按照規律不應該是 iPhone 6S 嗎?)為首的 Apple 2015 年款 iOS 產品將會採用 Samsung 的 14nm FinFET 技術。
Samsung Electronics will supply mobile application processor (AP) to Apple Inc. from 2015. The mobile AP is a brain of Apple's iPhone. Samsung Electronics will supply 14 nano A9 chips that will be used for Apple's iPhone 7.
Samsung Electronics had supplied the AP to Apple since 2007 but lost the contract to supply 20 nano AP A8 chips to Apple to Taiwan's TSMC last year when it was engaged in patent disputes with Apple. Samsung Electronics developed state-of-the-art 14 nano models ahead of its rival TSMC, regaining the order from Apple.
According to industry sources on July 14, Samsung Electronics signed an agreement with Apple to supply the next-generation AP that it will produce in 2015. The AP that will be produced using 14 nano FinFET technology is mounted on Apple's iPhone 7 to be released in the second half of 2015.
Since its relations with Samsung Electronics worsened due to patent disputes, Apple has refrained from using Samsung parts since the second half of last year. Apple excluded Samsung memory chips, including mobile DRAMs, from iPhone 5 that it released in September 2012. Apple also decided to procure iPhone 6 APs from TSMC, the world’s No. 1 foundry company.