The launch of Intel's Ivy Bridge processors has been pushed back until June, according to the Financial Times. Intel China chairman Sean Maloney told the FT that the processors were originally due in April, but have been delayed due to the new manufacturing process the chips use.
The Ivy Bridge processors are the first to use Intel's new 22nm process with 3D transistors. The new process allows for substantially reduced power consumption or increased clockspeeds, with Intel describing the performance gains in low-power chips as "unprecedented."
Maloney's statements corroborate previous rumors that volume shipment of Ivy Bridge was delayed until June. These rumored delays were attributed to the company having large stockpiles of unsold Sandy Bridge inventory.
The delays are sure to come as a blow to all those wanting to buy—or sell—an Ultrabook laptop. On top of its lower power consumption, Ivy Bridge will also sport a considerably faster integrated GPU, with benchmarks of leaked parts showing the new GPU to be about 60-70 percent faster than the current Sandy Bridge version.
英特爾的Ivy Bridge處理器的推出已被推遲,直到6月,根據“金融時報”。英特爾中國區總裁馬宏升(Sean Maloney)告訴“金融時報”,該處理器最初是由於在四月,但已被推遲,由於新的製造工藝的芯片使用。
Ivy Bridge的處理器是第一個使用3D晶體管,英特爾新的22nm制程。與英特爾描述成低功耗芯片的性能提升,新工藝可以大幅降低功耗或增加時鐘速度“是前所未有的。”
馬洛尼的聲明證實,Ivy Bridge的裝運量延遲至六月以前的傳聞。這些傳言的延誤是由於該公司未售出的Sandy Bridge庫存有大量的庫存。
一定要打擊那些想購買或出售Ultrabook筆記本延誤。其低功耗的頂部上,常春藤大橋也將運動相當快集成GPU,顯示新的GPU是60-70%左右,比當前的Sandy Bridge版本的洩露部分的基準。