科技總是能帶給我們不斷的驚喜,說起觸屏技術,電阻屏,電容屏已經在手機平板以及各種顯示屏上廣泛應用,真切的走進了生活,此前曝光的具有真實觸感屏已經研究成功離我們應該不遠。現在一家名為Tactus的公司宣布,他們投入了600萬美元,研發出了新一代的觸摸屏技術。科技總是能帶給我們不斷的驚喜,說起觸屏技術,電阻屏,電容屏已經在手機平板以及各種顯示屏上廣泛應用,真切的走進了生活,此前曝光的具有真實觸感屏已經研究成功離我們應該不遠。現在一家名為Tactus的公司宣布,他們投入了600萬美元,研發出了新一代的觸摸屏技術。這種屏幕要較之此前的報導的真實觸感屏技術還要先進幾分,可以做到屏幕按鍵在虛擬和真實間自由切換,效果非常驚人,未來將應用於手機,平板電腦等便攜設備這項技術的工作原理是使用一種叫做“觸層”的材料。“觸層”可以取代觸摸屏上的玻璃面板,廣泛應用在各種儀器之上。觸層的厚度與玻璃面板相仿,規格大小可調,而且能耗極低。這款新的觸摸技術可以實現用戶需要實用按鍵時,觸摸屏會發生變形,從屏幕上升起實體按鍵!當用戶使用完畢,按鍵又會縮回,依然變回一塊平坦如鏡的屏幕。公司發言人Jonathan Barker聲稱,Tactus的這項技術將為觸摸屏帶來全新的體驗,讓觸摸變成實體,人們必將喜歡上這種真正的觸覺體驗。
Tactus Technology has an interesting new technology, Tactile Layer, that can create dynamic physical buttons that users can actually see and feel in advance of entering data into the device. When the physical keyboard is no longer needed, the buttons recede back into invisibility. Isn’t that cool? I can’t wait until it’s available on smartphones. I hate typing on a mobile device. Even though I have small fingers, I still have trouble typing on a smartphone. The letters are just too close together. While Tactile Layer won’t make a keyboard larger, I think the tactile buttons will make it easier to press the right letter.
The Tactile Layer panel replaces the glass or plastic layer that sits on top of the touch sensor and display on a touchscreen. As a result, the tactile panel does not increase the thickness of the touchscreen display. The technology enables manufacturers to create devices with entirely new ergonomics and form factors, since the screen and the keyboard can now be combined.
Micro-holes connect the top layers of the tactile panel to a series of micro-channels that run through the underlying substrate. The micro channels are filled with a fluid whose optical index of refraction matches that of the surrounding material, making it fully and evenly transparent when light from the display passes through. When pressed, pressure causes the fluid to push up through the holes and against the top polymer layer, making it expand in pre-defined locations.
A small internal controller that interfaces with the processor of the touchscreen device controls the rise and fall of the buttons. The controller allows a proximity sensor or a software application to control the state of the buttons. For example, the buttons could be triggered to rise whenever the software calls for the virtual QWERTY keyboard.