日前,紐約-本週在波士頓嵌入式系統大會上,AMD公司推出的Radeon E6460,新一代的入門級嵌入式圖形處理器,補充其的Radeon E6760 E6460支持最多四個同時顯示,增加了一倍以上 3 三維圖形的E2400的性能,並設置一個新的酒吧在嵌入式入門級的功能和性能的GPU,AMD宣稱5年計劃供應的E6460 GPU體育板上的圖形內存的可用性。“ AMD的Radeon E6460 GPU提供價值高,佔地面積小,和嵌入式客戶要求的長期供應,Jaenicke,AMD嵌入式客戶業務總監,在一份聲明中說:“理查德 。“隨著高性能AMD E6760 GPU的引腳兼容的子集,新的AMD的Radeon E6460 GPU使大致在一個單一的電路板設計的可擴展性的圖形和多媒體性能。
AMD的Radeon E6460繪圖處理器使身臨其境的體驗與桌面級的三維圖形和多媒體功能:
- 1、先進的3D圖形引擎和可編程著色器架構,支持Microsoft DirectX ® 11卓越的圖形渲染技術。
- 2、第三代統一視頻解碼器,使雙高清解碼的H.264,VC - 1,MPEG4和MPEG2的壓縮視頻流。
- 3、512 MB GDDR5顯示幀緩衝區的BGA封裝中提供高內存帶寬,同時降低了總面積的平台解決方案,並隨著時間的推移,系統設計和維護所需的努力。
- 4、AMD的Radeon E6460繪圖處理器針對賭場遊戲,數字標牌,儀器儀表和工業控制系統,使系統設計人員提供具有價值意識的思維定式的產品。
- 5、一個系統的設計,多個客戶產品類別。AMD的Radeon E6460繪圖處理器 BGA ballout是較高性能的AMD的Radeon E6760的GPU,使系統設計師可以開發為 GPU的系統的一個子集。
- 6、具有多顯示器的支持與 AMD Eyefinity技術,AMD的Radeon E6460繪圖處理器支持多達 4個獨立的輸出 displays2,HDMI 1.4立體視頻和更高的鏈路速度和簡化的顯示器連接的DisplayPort 1.2。
- 7、AMD的Radeon E6460繪圖處理器與 5年計劃供應的可用性。由一個專用的應用工程專家團隊提供技術支持。
- 8、可搭配AMD的Radeon E6460 GPU與 AMD的下一代高性能加速處理單元(APU),選擇機型,以提供額外的圖形處理能力和額外的並行計算能力。
History tells us not to expect a whole lot from entry-level graphics solutions. You're not going to fire up a demanding DirectX 11 title and crank up the settings on a lower end graphics card, for example, and while that holds true for AMD's new Radeon E6460 embedded discrete GPU, this entry-level graphics chip sports other talents, like the ability to support up to four simultaneous displays.
AMD's billing the E6460 as a long-term solution with five years of planned supply availability.
"The AMD Radeon E6460 GPU provides the high value, small footprint, and long supply demanded by embedded customers," said Richard Jaenicke, director of Embedded Client Business for AMD. "With a footprint-compatible subset of the high-performance AMD E6760 GPU, the new AMD Radeon E6460 GPU enables broadly scalable graphics and multimedia performance in a single board design."
While you're not going to run the latest and greatest games on high resolutions with all the eye candy turned up, the E6460 can render DX11 graphics. It also features 512MB of GDDR5 memory, a third generation unified video decoder that enables dual-HD decoding of H.264, VC-1, MPEG4, and MPEG2 compressed video streams, and more than double the 3D performance of the ATI Radeon E2400 GPU.
Keeping in mind this is an embedded GPU, AMD said it's specifically targeting casino gaming, digital signage, instrumentation, and industrial control systems.
Image Credit: AMD