雖然現在主流的Android智慧型手機都搭載以ARM架構的核心晶片(如nVidia的Tegra 2),但這不代表 MIPS 沒有在默默耕耘,換個角度講,如HTC Sensation 的高階機種人人愛,但超過二萬元的價格可不是每個使用者都可以接受的,當然包括中國以億為單位計算的潛在人口。上面這款由鴻海代工、只要一百美元的Android手機,就是針對如此市場所推出的產品。
這款Android手機時脈僅有520 MHz,操作上當然不如1GHz核心的產品流暢,但超級便宜的價格,尤其配上中國市場最愛的「雙卡雙待」在地功能,誰說不能打出一片市場呢?現場把玩 AngryBird 也是毫無窒礙盡情攻擊綠色豬,而且當初 Android 誕生的時候,大家無不思考的就是,怎麼讓山寨機升級為頭好壯壯的二代山寨機啊!
MIPS has been quietly working on smart phone processors behind the scenes when ARM architecture (such as Tegra 2 by nVidia) has all the spotlight. Why, you might ask? Well, HTC Sensation is one powerful phone but its price tag isn't so appealing. The above phones are manufactured by Foxconn and all cost merely $100 USD and are intended to fill the lower end gaps.
This Android phone runs at wimpy 520 MHz. Although it may not run as smoothly as 1Ghz phones, it is super inexpensive. Also, it can take in two SIM cards, and this feature is perfect for the Chinese market.