Samsung 在發展新技術方面一向都走在最前線,比如之前他們就推出了曲面螢幕的 Galaxy Note Edge 及 Galaxy S6 edge,及後其他廠商便陸續仿傚。至於在今日曝光的一項新專利,則可以發現 Samsung 或可能會在將來的手機中加入全息影像顯示功能,看起來相當厲害。

其實全息影像技術已經發展了一段時間,不過直到目前為止依然未有廠商將之應用在手機之上。幸好在美國專利商標局(USPTO)的網頁上,今日就公開了 Samsung 的一項新專利,顯示他們已經正在研發手機用的全息影像技術。至於有關技術的運行原理亦似乎相當簡單,首先手機螢幕將會化身成投影機,然後只需在螢幕上放置一個特製的全息導向物料,例如可將之設於手機保護套之上,之後便能在手機上顯示出各種浮空的全息圖像。

不過根據專利文件顯示,今次 Samsung 所研發的有關技術似乎只能投射出細小的全息影像,但若然能進一步加入動態感應器,可以捕捉用家的手部動作並將之轉化為輸入指令,如此一來全息影像便可以變得更加互動,甚至更可應用在遊戲之上。


The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office recently published a patent application from Samsung that reveals a smartphone which is capable of displaying a hologram and/or holographic icons.


The mobile device includes a main body including a screen; a light guide member disposed above the screen; an entrance optical member disposed on a surface of the light guide member; and an image hologram disposed on a surface of the light guide member which is laterally spaced apart from the entrance optical member. When an area of the screen corresponding to the entrance optical member emits a light, a holographic image stored in the image hologram is displayed above the light guide member.

Samsung's patent FIG. 3 is a perspective view illustrating a mobile device capable of displaying a hologram according to an exemplary embodiment, and FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view illustrating the mobile device capable of displaying a hologram of FIG.

Samsung's patent FIG. 11 is a perspective view conceptually illustrating a mobile device capable of selectively displaying one of a plurality of holographic images according to an exemplary embodiment.

Samsung filed their U.S. patent application back in Q3 2014. Considering that this is a patent application, the timing of such a product to market is unknown at this time.

A Note for Tech Sites covering our Report: We ask tech sites covering our report to kindly limit the use of our graphics to one image. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation. 

來源:Patently Mobile




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