還在擔心電動車的續航力嗎?IBM 正在研製的鋰空氣電池可能會在將來打消你這方面的顧慮。據稱使用這種電池的電動車一次充電後可以行駛 500 英哩(約 800 公里)。它的原理是在行駛過程中將空氣中的氧分子與電池中的鋰離子及電子進行反應,從而產生電能。每次充電的時候,氧氣就會被排出電池之外,仿佛就好像是真的在「呼吸」一般。除了能提供比現在廣泛使用在電動車上的鋰離子電池更強的續航力之外,另外非常重要的一點是這種電池在重量上也減輕了許多。雖然目前鋰空氣電池仍在實驗階段,但 IBM 已經在與化工巨子 Asahi Kasei 及 Central Glass 展開合作,希望能在 2030 年前將其投入市場。點擊跳轉可以看到 IBM「電池 500」計劃實驗室的圖集,當然也有一段鋰空氣電池的介紹影片。
IBM's planning an end to range anxiety with an EV power pack that runs on air and travels 500 miles on a single charge. "Lithium Air" batteries draw oxygen into a nano-structured carbon cathode, where it is stored and reacts with lithium ions and electrons to generate electricity. When you plug the vehicle in, the unmolested oxygen is released back into the air as if it was breathing. The technology's significantly lighter than what's found inside a Chevy Volt and IBM has enlisted the help of chemical giants Asahi Kasei and Central Glass to turn it from successful experiment to fully-fledged product by 2030. If you'd like to learn more, we've got a gallery of candid pics from inside the testing lab, explanatory video and, yes, even a press release full of information for you to steep your brains in.