蘋果 (AppleUS-AAPL)指控宏達電 (2498) 侵權再下一城,美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)終審裁定宏達電侵犯蘋果iPhone專利,宏達電部分手機產品將無緣輸美,蘋果告贏宏達電,對打擊Android陣營不遺餘力的蘋果真可謂如虎添翼。
這項宣判是數十起有關侵權案中,首宗判決確定的案子。從2010年開始,智慧手機製造商為爭奪市占,大打侵權官司。據美國市場研究機構策略分析公司(Strategy Analytics Inc.)統計指出,全球智慧手機出貨量上季大躍進,較上年同季激增44%,達1.17億支。
蘋果積極在全球大打侵權官司,瞄準Google(Googl e US-GOOG) Android陣營的主力廠商三星電子(Samsung Electronics KR-005930)與宏達電等。
據蘋果提出的最初訴狀,宏達電多款手機恐禁止輸美,其中包括Nexus One、Touch Pro、Diamond、TiltII 、Dream、myTouch、Hero與Droid Eris等。
據美國市場研究機構Canalys 10月31日發布報告指出,以出貨量為基礎,宏達電第3季以24%市占稱霸美國智慧手機市場,領先三星的21%與蘋果的20%。
蘋果主張宏達電Android手機侵犯其4項專利,美國行政法官查內斯基(Carl Charneski)7月裁定宏達電侵犯蘋果2項專利。這2項專利分別是偵測電郵中的電話號碼,進而可以儲存到電話簿,或稱為毋需撥號即可打電話專利,另一項專利則涉及各式資料傳輸技術。查內斯基裁定另2項專利未涉及侵權。
另外,蘋果還向ITC指控宏達電其他手機與Flyer平板電腦侵犯5項專利案,也在等待裁決。蘋果也鎖定三星與摩托羅拉行動控股(Motorola Mobility HoldingsInc. US-MMI),分別向ITC與美國各地方法院提告。
蘋果與Android陣營的官司大戰可回溯至2010年3月,當時蘋果已故執行長賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)向宏達電提告,這是手機廠瞄準Android平台所提起的第一起侵權案例。據艾薩克森(Walter Isaacson)撰寫的「賈伯斯傳」,10月5日去世的賈伯斯對Android相當火大,將全力「摧毀」Android。
The ITC has issued a ruling in favor of Apple Inc., banning the sale and import or certain HTC phones in the US. The ruling, which was widely expected to finally be handed down today after being delayed twice, finds that HTC violates a pair of patents held by the Cupertino company regarding the formatting of data (such as phone numbers) in otherwise unstructured documents (such as emails) allowing users to interact with them. The ban isn't scheduled to be enacted until April 19th of 2012, giving HTC and Google plenty of time to address the court's concerns. The Taiwanese manufacturer could also simply remove the feature from its phones, though, the ability to interact with such information across apps, such as tapping a phone number in an email to dial it, is an ability most consumers expect their devices to support.
The International Trade Commission did not find that HTC violated two other patents in question, which related to realtime signal processing and would have been much more difficult to HTC to circumvent. Of course, this saga is far from over and we expect these two (along with practically every other mobile manufacturer on the planet) to continue to duke it out in the courts as opposed to in our stores.
You can check out the full PDF of the ruling at the source.
Update: Looks like HTC already has a plan in place to make it all better. Not shocking, but there it is.