而豐田拿出十勝24小時耐力賽在2007年與前HV - R混合動力賽車具有快速充電超級電容器為基礎的再生制動系統,電池儲存至今這些系統在規範生產的車輛。現在,馬自達正在充電,其新的“I - ELOOP”用於內燃機為動力的車輛的系統。我的ELOOP標榜為世界上第一個客運車輛再生制動系統,採用一個電容充電電池進行暫時存儲從制動捕獲能量。
最新的混合動力汽車和電動汽車的再生制動系統將車輛的動能轉化為電能,這是使用充電電池供電的電動馬達減速。相比之下,馬自達的新的“i - ELOOP”(智能能源循環)系統的設計是用於內燃機為動力的汽車與能源捕獲使用權力的氣候控制,音響系統和其他電氣元件。這使該系統不需要一個專門的電動馬達或電池的優勢。
馬自達聲稱我ELOOP系統的真實世界的駕駛與頻繁的加速和制動條件下的約 10%提高車輛的燃油經濟性。
I - ELOOP使用一個新的12-25 V變量電壓發電機,產生高達 25 V發送之前存儲到一個低電阻的雙電層電容器(EDLC)的電力。在我的ELOOP系統中使用的電容器,由於電容器可比電池更快速充電和放電,可以在幾秒鐘內完全充電。一個 DC / DC轉換器,然後步驟從 25 V至12 V的電力,然後直接分配到車輛的電器元件。
的新我,ELOOP系統,連同其SKYACTIV技術範圍,符合馬自達的重點在提高內部燃燒,而不是發展混合自己的電動汽車技術的發動機車輛的效率,有選擇,而不是許可技術用於在豐田附近的任何未來的混合動力汽車普銳斯為 。馬自達說我ELOOP系統將出現在2012年開始在其車輛 。
Mazda Motor Corp. : Mazda 'i-ELOOP' World's First Capacitor-Based Regenerative Braking System for Passenger Vehicles
HIROSHIMA, Japan-Mazda Motor Corporation has developed the world's first passenger vehicle regenerative braking system that uses a capacitor. The groundbreaking system, which Mazda calls 'i-ELOOP', will begin to appear in Mazda's vehicles in 2012. In real-world driving conditions with frequent acceleration and braking, 'i-ELOOP' improves fuel economy by approximately 10 percent.
Mazda's regenerative braking system is unique because it uses a capacitor, which is an electrical component that temporarily stores large volumes of electricity. Compared to batteries, capacitors can be charged and discharged rapidly and are resistant to deterioration through prolonged use. 'i-ELOOP' efficiently converts the vehicle's kinetic energy into electricity as it decelerates, and uses the electricity to power the climate control, audio system and numerous other electrical components.
Regenerative braking systems are growing in popularity as a fuel saving technology. They use an electric motor or alternator to generate electricity as the vehicle decelerates, thereby recovering a portion of the vehicle's kinetic energy. Regenerative braking systems in hybrid vehicles generally use a large electric motor and dedicated battery.
Mazda examined automobile accelerating and decelerating mechanisms, and developed a highly efficient regenerative braking system that rapidly recovers a large amount of electricity every time the vehicle decelerates. Unlike hybrids, Mazda's system also avoids the need for a dedicated electric motor and battery.
'i-ELOOP' features a new 12-25V variable voltage alternator, a low-resistance electric double layer capacitor and a DC/DC converter. 'i-ELOOP' starts to recover kinetic energy the moment the driver lifts off the accelerator pedal and the vehicle begins to decelerate. The variable voltage alternator generates electricity at up to 25V for maximum efficiency before sending it to the Electric Double Layer Capacitor (EDLC) for storage. The capacitor, which has been specially developed for use in a vehicle, can be fully charged in seconds. The DC/DC converter steps down the electricity from 25V to 12V before it is distributed directly to the vehicle's electrical components. The system also charges the vehicle battery as necessary. 'i-ELOOP' operates whenever the vehicle decelerates, reducing the need for the engine to burn extra fuel to generate electricity. As a result, in "stop-and-go" driving conditions, fuel economy improves by approximately 10 percent.
The name 'i-ELOOP' is an adaptation of "Intelligent Energy Loop" and represents Mazda's intention to efficiently cycle energy in an intelligent way.
'i-ELOOP' also works in conjunction with Mazda's unique 'i-stop' idling stop technology to extend the period that the engine can be shut off.
Mazda is working to maximize the efficiency of internal combustion engine vehicles with its groundbreaking SKYACTIV TECHNOLOGY. By combining this with i-stop, i-ELOOP and other electric devices that enhance fuel economy by eliminating unnecessary fuel consumption, Mazda is striving to deliver vehicles with excellent environmental performance as well as a Zoom-Zoom ride to all its customers.