這個稱為「Wove Band」(織帶)的裝置是由可彎曲的觸控電子紙顯示器製成,看起來就像一只連錶帶都能顯示畫面的智慧手錶。長條狀的顯示面積幾乎是Apple Watch的6倍,可顯示一整條訊息而不必上下滑動。由於使用極省電的電子紙技術,可在一直持續顯示畫面的狀況下,續航力還比一般會關螢幕的智慧錶持久。
Wove Band目前僅有灰階版本,彩色顯示版還在開發中。預計售價會比最便宜的Apple Watch Sport(1.15萬台幣)還低,將會使用改良版的Android作業系統。
Back around 2013 Samsung Electronics was pushing some concepts and working prototypes of its flexible AMOLED displays around the tech world and CES. Samsung has made some inroads in bringing flexible displays to smartphones with its Galaxy edge lineup but a new company named Polyera is promising better displays and they will be here in 2016. Polyera flexible displays are working out the problem of bending not only the display, but the electronics the display is connected to.
“The majority of electronic devices we surround ourselves with are what I call ‘rigid bricks,'” said Polyera’s founder and CEO, Phil Inagaki. “And what I thought was that if we could allow these to be softer (and) more flexible, it would allow for all sorts of new experiences and devices to be created.”
Polyera is making a consumer product called Wove Band, which is like a fitness band but with an e-ink display for lower power consumption. The design is wonderful but we suspect Polyera is making this more as a proof of concept to show that the technology they’ve created is feasible in the consumer market.
This tech looks really amazing and ripe for consumer products, we’re excited to hear and learn more about both the technology and the company behind it. We’ve reached out to the company for an interview and hands on time with Wove Band and any other tech they might have. Stay tuned to Techaeris, we’ll hopefully hear back soon and bring you even more awesome news from Polyera.