ARM Cortex-M7處理器鎖定高階嵌入式應用,適用於新世代的汽車、連網裝置及智慧家庭和工廠應用。
首批獲得ARM Cortex-M7處理器授權的廠商包括Atmel、飛思卡爾與意法半導體。
ARM處理器部門負責人Noel Hurley指出,Cortex-M7加入Cortex-M系列處理器後,ARM與合作夥伴將能為連網世界提供最具擴充性與軟體相容性最高的解決方案。
Cortex-M7效能測試結果高達5 CoreMark/MHz,此效能表現使Cortex-M7能同時提供高效能與數位訊號控制功能,讓微控制器晶片製造商能用較少的研發成本,達到高效能需求的嵌入式應用。
Cortex-M7將可用在智慧控制系統,其適用範圍包括馬達控制、工業自動化、先進語音功能、影像處理、各類連網交通工具應用及物聯網(IoT )相關應用。
Cortex-M7的高速處理效率能讓使用者立即體會到其在音效處理、影像資料及語音辨識上所帶來的效能提升。與現有Cortex-M系列產品相同,Cortex-M7亦提供C語言的開發環境,使既有在Cortex-M(M0+, M3, M4)上運作的程式皆能在Cortex-M7上執行而不需要重新編譯。
Pervasive connectivity, largely spurred by mobile and tablet use is transforming the way we consume and interact with each other through cloud connectivity. The Internet of Things will expand this interaction further to a multitude of connected devices, influencing the connected city, home, healthcare and all aspects of embedded intelligence. This future demands embedded intelligence to be always-on, always-aware, always-connected, and demands more performance (particularly high Digital Signal Processing (DSP) performance) for local data pre-processing, voice and image processing, access to richer content and increased system reliability and fault tolerance.
It is with this future of embedded intelligence in mind that we announced today the new ARM Cortex-M7 processor, bringing a host of new features and capabilities to the Cortex-M family of low-power, 32-bit processors. Cortex-M7 introduces a number of micro-architectural features which enable our partners to build chips that can reach much higher levels of performance than existing microcontroller cores in terms of general-purpose code, DSP code and floating point code.
Three lead licensees: Atmel, Freescale and STMicroelectronics have been working with ARM since the very early stage of development on the Cortex-M7 processor – they will be bringing exciting new products to market over the coming months. The ARM Cortex-M7 processor is targeted at demanding embedded applications used in next generation vehicles, connected devices, and smart homes and factories Through these products, the benefits delivered by the Cortex-M7 processor will be apparent to users in our increasingly connected world.
For example domestic appliances (or white goods as they are referred to) would have previously had a simple user interface and be controlled by simple processors. But the next generation devices are getting smarter in order to operate more efficiently using minimal energy and resources. Next generation products are moving to more sophisticated displays, advanced touch screen panels, advanced control motors to include field oriented control algorithms in their motor driver control in order to operate more efficiently. Some of these also need to run communications software stacks to interface with other appliances and interface with the outside world to provide billing information, power usage and maintenance information.
All of these requirements demand more performance from the microcontroller, which lies at the heart of the appliance – Cortex-M7 based MCUs will deliver that performance. In addition to excellent performance, not only does the Cortex-M7 processor extend the low power DNA inherent in the Cortex-M family but it also provides the same C-friendly programmer's model and is binary compatible with existing Cortex-M processors. Ecosystem and software compatibility enables simple migration from any existing Cortex-M core to the new Cortex-M7 core. System designers can therefore take advantage of extensive code reuse which in turn offers lower development and maintenance costs. You can find more information on Cortex-M7 on
ARM TechCon - the largest meeting of the ARM Partnership - is taking place in Santa Clara in just a few days. Dr Ian Johnson, Product Manager for the Cortex-M7, will talk in greater depth about the the features of this new processor in “The Future Direction of the ARM Cortex-M Processor Family” session (2pm-3.50pm, October 1st) along with invited speakers from lead licensees and additional guests. Free ARM Expo passes are available with ARMExp100 code.