為了不讓 Intel 擠壓 ARM 的優勢位置,已悄悄釋出新處理器架構給合作夥伴。
ARM 的 64 bit ARMv8-A 指令集以及 Cortex-A57/A53 架構一直到近期才開始有較多的應用,不過為了不讓 Intel 陣營有更多的成長,以及未來與 AMD 可能出現的競爭,相當自然地,ARM 與合作夥伴正醞釀著第二波 64 bit 處理器的推出潮。
據傳新的晶片代號為 Maya 和 Artemis,這兩顆晶片的 IP 授權已經放出給合作夥伴。
Maya 和 Artemis 預計將作為 A57、A53 的後繼者,據傳使用的指令集同樣是以 ARMv8-A 作為基礎;鎖定的市場同樣是手機、平板為主的行動裝置,以及早先搶占失利的伺服器市場,更有意進入車用電子、網路設備等領域中。登場的時間會比大家預期的早一些,可能今年底就能看到相關的產品現身。此外 ARM 日前也在台灣開設了 CPU 設計中心,專攻低功耗設計搶占穿戴式裝置以及物聯網 IoT。
ARM 目前拒絕談論關於 Maya 和 Artemis 的更多細節,最後應該不會稱 Cortex-A59 以及 Cortex-A55 吧?
ARM is developing its second wave of 64-bit processors as it tries to maintain its edge over Intel in smartphones and tablets.
The chips—called Maya and Artemis—are already being licensed to chip makers, said Simon Segars, CEO of ARM, during a webcast earnings press conference on Tuesday.
Segars declined to talk more about the processors, saying ARM will reserve details for the actual announcement date. But he said that the company’s future processors are being targeted at not only its existing smartphone, tablet and server markets, but also at areas like automotive and networking equipment.
“Artemis and Maya are the fruits of the investment that we’ve made in R&D over the years,” Segars said. “The products [we] are creating will help us sustain market share.”
ARM develops designs for the processor, interconnect and other crucial building-block technology for mobile chips. Its ARM processor designs are used in most smartphones and tablets now on the market.
ARM in 2011 introduced its first 64-bit microarchitecture, called ARM-v8A. It was first used in Apple’s iPhone 5s, introduced last September.
ARM designs generic 64-bit processor designs based on ARMv8, which it has licensed to companies like Qualcomm, Advanced Micro Devices, Samsung and MediaTek. Apple developed its own processor based on ARM-v8A architecture.
The Maya and Artemis chips will be based on the 64-bit ARMv8-A architecture. The chips will succeed the Cortex-A57 and A53 processor designs, which are expected to be used in ARM servers and Android smartphones due to hit the market later this year.
ARM is also planning new processors for wearables, embedded equipment and the Internet of Things market, Segars said. Last month ARM opened a center in Taiwan to make low-power chips for wearable devices.
ARM competes in the mobile, laptop and server markets with Intel, which has released Atom chips based on the x86 microarchitecture.
Competition is coming on strong from Intel and AMD, which competes with ARM in the embedded market, said Dean McCarron, principal analyst at Mercury Research. So it’s only natural to see “aggressive product development” from ARM, McCarron said.