
PC OEM SSD市場根據IC Insights發佈的資料顯示,由於受到照相手機市場產值下滑的影響,全球影像感測器與相機應用相關IC市場成長預計將在2017年陷入停滯。



IC Insights預測在未來十年還將出現幾個高成長的嵌入式應用,包括汽車、平板電腦與個人電腦、安全監控,以及醫療/科學/工業等。然而,這些成長取決於手機的重要性,當市場在2017年開始下滑後,各方的市場需求也不足以補足這一差距。

IC Insights預計在2012年至2017年之間,全球汽車相機系統用IC收入將以113.3的年平均成長率(CAGR)急速成長,而獨立式數位相機用IC銷售則將以-10.5的年平均持續萎縮。



2012年嵌入式相機與影像系統的IC銷售約有136億美元,預計這一市場銷售將以11.9% 的CAGR成長,在2017年時達到239億美元。

The market for integrated circuits in multiple camera applications is being impacted by the decline in digital still camera sales.

The market for image sensors and related ICs in camera applications is expected to stagnate in 2017 due to a decline in the value of the camera phone market, according to IC Insights. The market is forecast to be worth $25.1 billion in 2014 and $26.5 billion in 2015.
The market is fast moving and the decline in stand-alone digital still cameras is already causing a number of IC suppliers to seek out other expanding markets such as automotive and industrial imaging.
IC Insights predicts high growth rates for several embedded applications this decade including automotive, tablets & PCs, security & surveillance, and medical/scientific/industrial. However such is the significance of the cell phone that when that market declines in 2017 it will be hard for demand elsewhere to make up the difference.

market by camera applications. Source: IC Insights.
IC sales for stand-alone digital cameras are projected to decline at an annual average rate of -10.5 percent in the forecast period, while revenues for integrated circuits used in automotive camera systems are expected to surge by a CAGR of 113.3 percent between 2012 and 2017. Sales of ICs for tablet and PC cameras are forecast to rise by a CAGR of 20.2 percent, while cellphone camera integrated circuits are expected to rise by an annual rate of 9.0 percent in the 2012 to 2017 period.
The total IC market for all digital camera systems embedded and stand-alone systems is expected to reach $29.2 billion in 2017 compared to $23.0 billion in 2012, which represents a CAGR of 4.9 percent. IC sales for embedded cameras and imaging systems only are forecast to grow by a CAGR of 11.9 percent, reaching $23.9 billion in 2017 compared to $13.6 billion in 2012.

Related links and articles:

(參考原文:Camera IC market set to stagnate,by Peter Clarke)


資料來源:EE Times http://www.electronics-eetimes.com/en/camera-ic-market-set-to-stagnate.html?cmp_id=7&news_id=222921648


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