中國,2015年4月23日 ——意法半導體(STMicroelectronics,簡稱ST;紐約證券交易所代碼:STM)推出全新的開發套件BlueMicrosystem1Open.Framework,加快面向Android或iOS Bluetooth®低能耗無線傳感器項目的開發速度。
中國,2015年4月23日 ——意法半導體(STMicroelectronics,簡稱ST;紐約證券交易所代碼:STM)推出全新的開發套件BlueMicrosystem1Open.Framework,加快面向Android或iOS Bluetooth®低能耗無線傳感器項目的開發速度。
The smallest 9-Axis MEMS IMU from ST for Consumer Applications
Combines 3-Axis Gyroscope, 3-Axis Accelerometer and 3-Axis Magnetometer
With a market share of more than 40%, STMicroelectronics leads the market of inertial sensors for consumer applications.
The LSM9DS0 is a 4x4mm system-in-package featuring a 3-axis gyroscope, a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis magnetometer.
STMicroelectronics achieves this package footprint by integrating the 3-axis gyroscope and the 3-axis accelerometer functions on the same die. This new structure, combined with new designs for the gyroscope and the accelerometer allows ST to shrink the 6-axis function by more than 30%.
意法半導體(STMicroelectronics,簡稱ST;紐約證券交易所代碼:STM)與英特爾(Intel)攜手合作感知運算計畫(Perceptual Computing Initiatives);意法半導體將為這一專案提供微型反射鏡(micro-mirror)及控制元件。
意法半導體大中華暨南亞區資深產品行銷經理楊正廉表示,該公司在3年即已觀察到智慧家庭市場商機十足,因而積極展開佈局,如今不少台灣原始設備製造商/原始設計製造商(OEM /ODM)及模組廠,皆已大量採用意法半導體的微控制器進行智慧家庭應用產品開發,出貨量相較於幾年前已顯著增加。
意法半導體(STMicroelectronics,ST)宣布將擔任Lab4MEMS II專案負責人。Lab4MEMS II是以第一代Lab4MEMS專案(始於2013年4月)的成功經驗為基礎而擴展的第二代專案計畫,主要研究項目是整合MEMS及微光學(Micro-optics)的微光機電系統(MOEMS),該系統可透過機械、光學及電子的整合化系統偵測或控制光學訊號,並保留了原專案為日後升級研發的下一代MEMS元件的試產線。
下一代的MEMS元件搭配壓電或磁性材料及3D封裝等先進技術,可大幅強化產品的性能表現。如同第一代專案, Lab4MEMS II同樣是由奈米電子產業公私合營組織歐洲奈米科技方案諮詢委員會(ENIAC)合作組織(JU)所發起。Lab4MEMS II是耗資2600萬歐元(3000萬美元)的專案計畫,合作組織橫跨九個歐洲國家、含括20個工業、學術及科研組織。憑藉第一代Lab4MEMS專案所打下的成功基礎, Lab4MEMS II專案委託意法半導體擔任專案協調負責人,為研究發展提 供完整的製造、技術及組織服務,引領歐洲微光機電系統的研究發展,站穩歐洲MEMS產業在世界領先的地位。
Adoption of micro-mirrors helps fundamentally change human-computer interaction.
STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, announced that ST was providing micro-mirrors and control devices for Perceptual Computing initiatives at Intel.
In addition to the ASIC control devices, ST supplies a tiny MEMS mirror that moves thousands of times per second to scan an infrared light beam, painting an invisible grid on objects in front of it. The light reflected back from the object is captured and analyzed for 3D imaging and gesture applications. The use of MEMS technology to realize the mirror enables small and robust systems with high-performance and low-energy characteristics ideally suited to a wide variety of consumer devices, creating new dimensions in the natural interaction of people with technology.
MEMS meld mechanical and electrical principles in tiny machines that can sense motion, the environment or actuate and move liquids--as in an ink-jet thermal print head--or objects such as mirrors in projection systems. Here the “machine” is a very small mirror that is actuated using the same electro-static principle that makes our hair stand on end.
ST’s MEMS expertise enabled the development of the industry’s smallest and slimmest projection engine1, which fits into the screen of a laptop or tablet computer and offers an ultra-wide field of view2. Moreover, manufactured using ST’s state-of-the-art smart-power technology, the micro-mirror packs exceptional electro-static actuation, extremely low power consumption, and hardware safety mechanisms that provide protection from hacking and malfunctions, onto the silicon.
“The natural user-interface revolution with Perceptual Computing is upon us, and the mirror technology that ST has developed is an important contribution,” said Sagi Ben Moshe, Director Depth Camera Engineering, Intel Corporation. “Intel and its partners are redefining how people interact with their devices for gaming, entertainment, and content creation through a best-in-class depth sensor that delivers PCs and tablets 3D vision for new, immersive experiences.”
“Through its far-reaching MEMS technologies, ST has for years contributed to significant advances in user interfaces via motion, touch, and sound and the inevitable adoption of Perceptual Computing is an exciting leap that adds 3D vision,” said Benedetto Vigna, Executive Vice President and General Manager Analog, MEMS, and Sensors Group, STMicroelectronics. “Only a company with the full range of expertise that ST owns could overcome the significant power, actuation, inertial, and jitter issues to build the right micro-mirror and integrate the analog front end and digital logic onto a single low-power die to achieve the form-factors necessary for mainstream device integration.”
About STMicroelectronics
ST is a global leader in the semiconductor market serving customers across the spectrum of sense and power and automotive products and embedded processing solutions. From energy management and savings to trust and data security, from healthcare and wellness to smart consumer devices, in the home, car and office, at work and at play, ST is found everywhere microelectronics make a positive and innovative contribution to people's life. By getting more from technology to get more from life, ST stands for life.augmented.
In 2014, the Company’s net revenues were $7.40 billion. Further information on ST can be found at www.st.com.
1At DIMENSION, it is thinner than a Las-Vegas gambling chip
2Almost 90 degrees
Source: http://www.st.com/web/en/home.html
在科技領域中,物聯網絕對是今年最值得關注的焦點,看 CES 2015 展場上滿滿的物聯網產品就可略知一二,從手錶、汽車、床、皮帶,甚至到鞋墊,原先死板板、冷冰冰的硬體配件,頓時都可以連上網路,與你每天的生活互動。而在物聯網發展中,多數人只看到終端消費性產品,但其實產品裡頭的關鍵零組件,或許才是讓物聯網得以成型的關鍵。
在城鎮化和工業化國家,生活方式導致人類個體的身體活動量減少。據世界衛生組織(WHO)研究報告顯示,全球超過60%人口缺乏運動,在新興市場國家中,久坐不動的人群也正在快速增加。 |
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提升生活品質,遠離病因當然是從改變日常生活方式開始;使用者透過監控健康參數和具體的營養方案將有助於降低高血壓、血脂異常和肥胖症的發病率。美國運動醫學會(ACSM)已發布一些國際健康生活方式指引,並在美國高中執行,如果不改變日常生活方式,當步入中年時,周運動量將會少得可憐。事實上,周運動量少於1小時的中年女士死於心血管疾病的概率是運動量較多的同齡女士的兩倍。 既然監控生活方式和健康參數已成為正確診斷病症的重要因素,本文將介紹新型可監控心臟及其間接參數的儀器設計方案。 |
意法半導體執行副總裁暨類比、MEMS和感測器事業群總經理Benedetto Vigna表示,THELMA60表面微機械加工技術的問世開啟了慣性感測器(Inertial Sensors)的新紀元。正如目前已進入量產的客戶設計證明,對於靈敏度有極高要求並具有挑戰性的應用,例如植入性醫療裝置、航太系統(Aerospace System)和震波探勘(Seismic Exploration)的高階感測器等曾經被立體微機械加工技術壟斷的市場,該款產品已徹底改變消費型慣性感測器市場,未來將更進一步改變高階感測器的市場規則。
意法半導體(STMicroelectronics;ST)公佈Open. MEMS授權計劃。透過提供快速簡易的單節點(single-node)應用評估授權,將加快新產品開發及縮短研發週期。
為了向所有的用戶與開放式開發社群推廣MEMS感測器的應用,該計畫將允許Open.MEMS授權用戶免費使用驅動程式、中介軟體和應用軟體。從3軸加速計、3軸陀螺儀及3軸磁力計的感測器融合(sensor fusion)數據開始,該授權計畫對於可攜式產品和穿戴式裝置的開發至關重要。
意法半導體執行副總裁暨類比、MEMS及感測器事業群總經理Benedetto Vigna表示,該公司最新的THELMA60面型微加工製程將開啟慣性感測器發展新紀元。過去,許多要求高靈敏度感測的高難度應用,如植入式醫療元件,以及用於航太系統和震波探索(Seismic Exploration)的高階感測器,過去只能使用體型微加工技術製造,如今THELMA60面型微加工製程誕生將扭轉此一局面,讓這些應用所使用的感測器更具成本效益。
Automotive-telematics and navigation-sensor leader keeps motor vehicles on track.
STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, the world’s top MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) manufacturer and the leading supplier of MEMS for consumer and mobile1 as well as automotive applications2, announced the industry’s smallest 6-axis Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) qualified for Automotive applications with low-noise and improved output resolution.
The tiny ASM330LXH IMU is ideal for in-dash car-navigation solutions that require accurate and reliable inertial sensors to optimize positioning and direction, even in the absence of a strong GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) signal. Weak or intermittent satellite signals are common in urban areas, tunnels, and parking garages, where direct visibility of the satellites may be blocked. Multi-axis gyroscopes and accelerometers, like the 6-axis ASM330LXH, empower sophisticated Dead Reckoning software algorithms that calculate current position from a previously determined location updated by time, acceleration, and change of direction. The new device also targets on-board units for electronic road tolling and other vehicle telematics systems.
“Having built its 8” MEMS manufacturing line in 2006 and introduced the world’s first automotive-qualified 3-axis MEMS gyroscope for non-safety applications in 2012, ST is fortifying its market leadership with the introduction of this 6-axis IMU that is accurate and reliable despite its small size,” said Anton Hofmeister, STMicroelectronics Group Vice President and General Manager Custom MEMS Division.
Technical Notes:
Built on the Company’s fab on its robust 8” manufacturing line using the well-proven proprietary THELMA3 micromachining process technology that enables the integration on the same silicon of both a 3-axis acceleration and 3-axis angular-rate sensor (gyroscope), the ASM330LXH IMU is mounted in a 3x3x1.1mm Land Grid Array package. The device offers selectable full-scale ranges of 2/4/8/16g and 125/245/500/1000/2000dps with 16-bit synchronized data outputs, at 6 user-selectable Output Data Rates, for both the gyroscope and accelerometer. An SPI digital output allows the trouble-free transport of sensor data to the microcontroller, and I2C is also supported. Energy efficiency is assured via power-down, low-power, and normal power modes.
AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive non-safety applications, the ASM330LXH is a robust sensor [up to 10000g shock survivability] that operates over an extended industrial temperature range (-40°C to +85°C). Electromagnetic reliability is assured through ST’s extensive solid design and packaging expertise.
Engineering samples of the ASM330LXH are available now, with volume production planned for Q1 2015 and unit pricing at $6 for orders of 1,000 pieces.
About STMicroelectronics
ST is a global leader in the semiconductor market serving customers across the spectrum of sense and power and automotive products and embedded processing solutions. From energy management and savings to trust and data security, from healthcare and wellness to smart consumer devices, in the home, car and office, at work and at play, ST is found everywhere microelectronics make a positive and innovative contribution to people's life. By getting more from technology to get more from life, ST stands for life.augmented.
In 2013, the Company’s net revenues were $8.08 billion. Further information on ST can be found at www.st.com.
Source: http://www.st.com
橫跨多重電子應用領域、全球領先的半導體供應商、全球最大的MEMS製造商及消費性電子和移動設備MEMS供應商商意法半導體(STMicroelectronics,簡稱ST;紐約證券交易所代碼:STM)宣布,其創新的壓電式MEMS技術已進入商用階段。這項創新的壓電式技術(piezoelectric [1] technology) 憑藉意法半導體在MEMS設計和製造領域的長期領先優勢,可創造更多的新應用商機。意法半導體的薄膜壓電式(TFP, Thin-Film Piezoelectric) MEMS技術是一個可立即使用且可簡單定制的平台,使意法半導體能與全球客戶合作,開發各種MEMS應用產品。
poLight 是第一批採用意法半導體的薄膜壓電式(TFP) 技術的企業,其創新的可調鏡頭(TLens®, Tuneable Lens) 通過壓電執行器(piezoelectric actuator) 改變聚合膜(transparent polymer film ) 的形狀,模擬人眼的對焦功能。這項應用被視為相機自動對焦(AF, auto-focus) 的最佳解決方案。而目前的自動對焦功能還主要依賴於體積巨大、耗電量高且成本昂貴的音圈電機(VCM, Voice Coil Motors) 提供動力。
通信世界網消息(CWW) 10月9日,意法半導體宣布其MEMS傳感器出貨量已超過50億顆,此外,意法半導體微執行器出貨量超過30億顆。
2014 年台灣半導體剛剛開幕,身為半導體展的常客之一,意法半導體執行副總裁暨類比、MEMS 和感測器事業群總經理 Benedetto Vigna 也來到台灣,他分享目前意法半導體的發展進程,同時也分享他對於物聯網未來的展望。
之前科技新報曾介紹過意法半導體的 MEMS 麥克風,而意法半導體早就已經將 MEMS 技術廣泛用於該公司的各項產品中。
雖然貴為全球第一大移動/消費電子MEMS傳感器和微控制器廠商,但在意法半導體執行副總裁,模擬、MEMS和傳感器事業部總經理Benedetto Vigna看來,這仍難以支撐起公司“多元化市場戰略”的重任。為此,他特意在日前舉辦的一場媒體見面會上,生平第一次寫下了三個漢字:“多元化”,以示對該戰略的重視。