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Finally we have a patent application detailing a set of new gestures that will allow you to manipulate objects in order to enhance their visibility. These add to the mid-drag and micro gestures discovered in April, and gestures based on physical metaphors from July. The new gestures are based around holding and swiping (or swiping then holding), and seem to be specifically suited for smaller displays where pinching and multiple finger gestures can be awkward or block info. There is also mention of an Android-like tilt to zoom feature using the device’s accelerometer. PatentlyApple explains:

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Next up, the proposed speaker for iPod nano (and shuffle), which would essentially build a small integrated piezoelectric speaker into a clip similar to the nano’s existing clip. Not just any speaker, however, according to PatentlyApple the company plans on using Kapton polyimide film in the design, which among other things, was used as thermal insulation on space suits and NASA’s Apollo lunar module. This would definitely be welcomed for nano users who listen to music in situations when wearing headphones might be dangerous or distracting. It would also be suitable for voice-control features.

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There has been no shortage of Apple patent applications published by the US Patent & Trademark Office today (via PatentlyApple). Three of the most interesting with potential to be implemented in upcoming products include a dual OLED backlighting system for future iPads, integrated speaker clip for iPod nano, and new hold and swipe gestures for iOS devices.

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據AppleInsider報導,蘋果正與美國一家叫Leaf Solar Power的公司合作,建造蘋果在北卡羅萊納州的太陽能工廠。

Leaf Solar Power是一家位於美國佛羅里達州萊克沃思的可再生能源公司。據熟悉兩家公司合作項目的人士稱,蘋果將與Leaf Solar Power合作,建造位於北卡羅萊納州的太陽能工廠,用來為蘋果斥資10億美元的數據中心提供能源。該合作項目可以說是Leaf Solar Power迄今為止最大型最盈利的項目。上個月,北卡羅萊納州卡托巴縣已批准蘋果重新修改其擁有的171英畝空地的傾斜度,這塊地位於數據中心對面,此時蘋果已開始進行太陽能工廠的準備工作。不過至今蘋果尚未正式遞交建造太陽能工廠的申請。

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On November 3, 2011, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that reveals that they're working on a possible future iPhone that will operate using a Virtual SIM Card. Apple states that it would be desirable to be able to provide improved ways in which to provide users with the ability to purchase and use wireless network services without the need of a SIM Card. According to Apple, a secondary benefit of switching to a Virtual SIM Card is that'll improve security while allowing Jony Ive and his team to do what they do best: Design an ever thinner, astoundingly beautiful, next generation iPhone. Report Updated at 2:40 MST 

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The US Patent and Trademark Office officially published a series of 14 newly granted patents for Apple Inc. today. In our fourth granted patent report of the day we take a look at a patent that may one day provide 3D Motion to Apple's Mighty Mouse, to their Apple TV Remote, the iPhone and perhaps even a gamepad. The second granted patent that we review today touches on the iPhone's capability of interfacing with high tech gym equipment to monitor your vitals at a higher degree.  

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據Smart Office網站報導,三星為了能在澳大利亞申請到iPhone 4S的禁售令已經要求蘋果提供iPhone 4S固件的源碼,不僅如此,三星同時想讓蘋果提供與澳大利亞運營商的補貼協議的詳細細節。三星想要知道運營商究竟要付給蘋果多少補貼。

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C3的技術是3D繪圖解決方案的領先供應商,照片般逼真的模型世界提供搜索,導航和地理信息 系統自2007年當它被剝離的航空航天和國防公司薩博AB,風險投資支持的C3已經重新定義以前的分類圖像處理技術應用於社會和商業的新應用平台的三維地圖的發展 映射。在瑞典的公司的自動化軟件和先進的算法使C3,以快速組裝極其精確的三維模型,並無縫集成與傳統的他們2D地圖,衛星影像,街道級攝影和用戶生成的圖像,這是永遠改變了人們如何使用地圖和探索世界 。

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根據UBM TechInsights與Displaybank等公司針對幾家公司及其專利組合所做的一些分析,在Android合作夥伴、蘋果(Apple)與微軟(Microsoft)等公司之間持續進行的專利侵權戰中,目前仍看不到明顯可勝出的最後贏家。
UBM TechInsights公司日前發佈一份報告分析了Google以125億美元收購摩托羅拉行動公司(Motorola Mobility)交易中期望取得的近17,000項專利。Displaybank也發佈幾項有關行動顯示技術的報告,其中包括深入探討蘋果公司在多點觸控螢幕方面的一項關鍵專利技術。

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The United States Patent & Trademark Office this morning issued a patent grant to Apple pertaining to the familiar Slide to Unlock gesture. Remember, the now ubiquitous sliding move debuted on the original iPhone as a fun way to keep your device secured while in your pocket. “To unlock the phone, I just take my finger and slide it across. Wanna see that again? We wanted something you couldn’t do by accident in your pocket. Just slide it across – BOOM.”, Steve Jobs said entertaining the invitees at the phone’s unveiling in January of 2007.

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賈伯斯授權的傳記披露他生前對專利權訴訟案十分激憤。傳記作者艾薩克森回憶,宏達電2010年1月推出採用Google Android作業系統的HTC時,賈伯斯大為光火,說起與宏達電之間的專利訴訟時宣稱:「我要發動熱核大戰(thermonuclear war)」。

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T(ether) is a novel spatially aware display that supports intuitive interaction with volumetric data. The display acts as a window affording users a perspective view of three- dimensional data through tracking of head position and orientation. T(ether) creates a 1:1 mapping between real and virtual coordinate space allowing immersive exploration of the joint domain. Our system creates a shared workspace in which co-located or remote users can collaborate in both the real and virtual worlds. The system allows input through capacitive touch on the display and a motion-tracked glove. When placed behind the display, the user’s hand extends into the virtual world, enabling the user to interact with objects directly.

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iPad mini將在明年上半年上市,售價將不會超過200美元。

蘋果或許寄希望於iPad mini能為蘋果帶來新的巨大增長潛力。

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剛剛上市的蘋果iPhone 4S智能手機儘管在一些方面有了明顯的提升,但是iSuppli卻根據拆解得出一個結論,那就是iPhone 4S的硬件製造成本仍然和前輩iPhone 4一樣。那麼,各位是否想知道你們血拼甚至有人真掏了2萬大洋買回來的iPhone 4S成本價值是多少呢?

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根據「華爾街日報」(WSJ),蘋果公司(Apple Inc. US-AAPL)的iPhone 4S外觀與iPhone 4沒什麼兩樣,但是經過拆解後有個驚人的大發現,竟然幾乎見不到英特爾(Intel US-INTC)晶片的蹤影。

研究機構IHS iSuppli拆解新機後發現,4S中沒看見英飛凌(Infineon)製作的晶片,取而代之的是高通公司(Qualcomm Inc. US-QCOM)新晶片組。英特爾去年收購英飛凌的無線業務。

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