

助推器新圓滑4G - V提高了語音和
數據通信在2G及3G網絡,以及Verizon無線 ™LTE拉斯維加斯-明年1月9日,2012年-威爾遜電子 (WWW WilsonElectronics.com) 製造商北美最暢銷的線手機信號的助推器宣布, 在2012年國際消費電子展的世界上第一個4G手機信號增強器,流線型® 4G - V的。 與Verizon Wireless™LTE服務領域的圓滑4G - V將確保有一個強有力 的LTE信號以及傳統的3G或2G信號 。優點包括較少下降 的連接和服務的“死亡地帶”,更快的數據傳輸率, 改善了無線設備的 電池壽命。圓滑的4G - V的威爾遜電子展台展示 是在拉斯維加斯南廳 35219會議中心2級,通過 設備的廠商建議零售價為149.95美元,1月13日。提高所有LTE,3G和 2G的蜂窩信號在700兆赫,800兆赫和1900兆赫頻段。圓滑的 4G - V的設計在車輛使用,也可以用於室內購買一個可選的附件套件-完美 。™ “Verizon Wireless的客戶使用的刺激信號,像Verizon的JetPack 4G無線熱點LTE功能的手機和數據設備現在可以 享受威爾遜的助推器,3G網絡上的其他人早已相同 的福利享受,萊恩說:“馬修斯,威爾遜的業務發展總監。“對於那些 陷入困境的微弱信號,圓滑的4G - V提供了強有力的,可靠的連接,使 他們可以連接有信心。 “地區不擔任Verizon Wireless的LTE,圓滑的4G - V將放大任何 現有的800信號兆赫和1900 MHz頻段。這允許用戶享受一個強大的,可靠 的蜂窩信號,即使沒有4G 服務。,圓滑的4G - V提供一個典型的手機功率的20 倍以上,但重量只有3盎司(85克)和措施2.5英寸(6.4 × 4.5 2.5 11.4 6.4厘米)。很簡單,做它,自己動手安裝在幾分鐘內 完成。圓滑的4G - V將在2012年第二季度可從 最威爾遜經銷商。它是專為使用藍牙耳機或其他免提裝置的 理想,此外,像所有的威爾遜信號的助推器,圓滑的4G - V功能 非常複雜的手機信號塔保護超過十年的研究和 開發的技術發展。

Wilson Electronics Introduces the World's First 4G Mobile Signal
Booster at 2012 International CES

New Sleek 4G-V boosts voice and data communications
on 2G & 3G Networks, as well as Verizon Wireless™ LTE

LAS VEGAS – Jan. 9, 2012 – Wilson Electronics (www.WilsonElectronics.com),
manufacturer of North America's top-selling line of cellular signal boosters, announced
at 2012 International CES the world's first 4G mobile signal booster, the Sleek® 4G-V.

In areas with Verizon Wireless™ LTE service the Sleek 4G-V will ensure a strong
LTE signal as well as conventional 3G or 2G signals. Benefits include fewer dropped
connections and no-service "dead zones," faster data transfer rates and improved battery
life for wireless devices.

The Sleek 4G-V is on display at the Wilson Electronics booth #35219 in the Las Vegas
Convention Center, South Hall, level 2, through Jan. 13.

The device, with an MSRP of $149.95, boosts all LTE, 3G and 2G cellular signals on 700
MHz, 800 MHz and 1900 MHz frequency bands. Designed for use in a vehicle, the Sleek
4G-V can also be used indoors with the purchase of an optional accessory kit – perfect
for boosting signal to 4G wireless hotspots like the Verizon JetPack.™

"Verizon Wireless customers who use LTE-enabled phones and data devices can now
enjoy the same benefits of Wilson boosters that others on 3G networks have long
enjoyed," said Laine Matthews, Wilson's director of business development. "For those
troubled by a weak signal, the Sleek 4G-V provides a strong, reliable connection so they
can connect with confidence."

In areas not served by Verizon Wireless LTE, the Sleek 4G-V will amplify any existing
signal on 800 MHz and 1900 MHz bands. This allows the user to enjoy a strong, reliable
cellular signal even when no 4G service is available.

The Sleek 4G-V delivers more than 20 times the power of a typical cell phone, but
weighs only three ounces (85 grams) and measures just 2.5 by 4.5 by 2.5 inches (6.4 x
11.4 6.4 cm). Simple, do-it-yourself installation is done in a matter of minutes.

The Sleek 4G-V will be available in the second quarter of 2012 from most Wilson
resellers. It is designed for ideal use with a Bluetooth headset or other hands-free device.
Additionally, like all Wilson signal boosters, the Sleek 4G-V features very sophisticated
cell tower protection technologies developed over more than a decade of research and

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    Shacho San


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