In a recent report from Nielsen, Google snagged 40 percent of the smartphone market, while Apple captured approximately 28 percent -- up just barely .01 percentage point from last year. This report coincides with findings filed earlier this week by ComScore, citing Google with 41.8 percent market share and Apple with 27 percent, up one whole percentage point from last year. Diving a bit deeper, Nielsen found that around 33 percent of people planning to buy a smartphone in the next year want an iPhone, while another 33 percent would prefer an Android. The tie between those who want an Android v. an iOS phone fluctuated when Nielsen asked the "early adopters" within the group what kind of phone they are hoping to cop. 40 percent of "innovators" said they would like a phone on Google's OS, while 32 percent want a bite of the Apple -- leaving a mere 28 percent of self-proclaimed tech junkies desiring something else, like a BlackBerry or Windows Phone. Perhaps these figures are an indication that Google will remain on top for 2012, or will there be an upset? Only time will tell.
四十%的手機用戶超過 18年的美國現在有智能手機,根據 2011年7月的數據來自尼爾森。Android是最流行的操作系統,40%的手機用戶報告他們有一個智能手機的一個 Android操作系統。蘋果公司的IOS是排在第二位,與 28%。
在這些說,他們誰都有可能獲得新的智能手機在未來的一年,大約有三分之一表示,他們希望自己的未來智能手機是一個 iPhone,三分之一說他們想要一個 Android設備。然而,在那些誰表示,他們通常是第一個接受新技術,“創新”或最早的嚐鮮,Android的引線“下一步所需的操作系統” - 40%的機器人相比,32%的IOS。(調查受訪者問幾個問題,以確定其對新技術的態度。)