
全球跨裝置運算技術供應商Splashtop宣佈推出新款應用程式XDisplay,將 iPad 變成Windows 7 PC的另一個無線顯示器,進而提高工作效率。

使用 iPad 來延伸電腦螢幕畫面可適用於多種情況。例如:

• 將 Widget、資料夾捷徑、IM (Instant messenger) 好友名單、Skype、Twitter、Photoshop 調色盤和其他用途的應用程式移至iPad 畫面,以減少桌面紊亂的情況
• 同時透過 PC 與 iPad 兩個顯示器開啟單一試算表,無需滾動滑鼠即可檢視所有欄位
• 工作時可將背景娛樂視窗如 Netflix、Hulu 或社群遊戲 (FarmVille) 等暫放至 iPad 螢幕,提升專注度
• 在原有 PC 顯示器上編輯 HTML 頁面的同時,其他人亦可透過 iPad 上的延伸桌面檢視此一編輯完成的網頁
• 透過在延伸的 iPad 畫面上顯示、分享內容,使多人同時合作成為可能
• 在床或沙發上即可使用 iPad 播放 Flash影片和視訊,可避免文件傳輸和轉換格式的麻煩

Splashtop 執行長李明勳 (Mark Lee) 比喻,如同蝙蝠俠 (Batman) 的故事中,若失去了忠實夥伴羅賓 (Robin) 協助,蝙蝠俠絕對無法成為大家熟知的那位英雄;同樣地,沒有了 Splashtop XDisplay,iPad 也無法真正成為使用者電腦的小幫手。

Splashtop XDisplay 不但相容於 iPad 版本,並且可以連結到執行 Windows 7 作業系統的 PC。它由兩部分組成:在 iPad 上執行的應用程式以及在 PC 上執行的免費 Windows Streamer。


• 全面支援音訊和視訊 (可以分別獨立開啟/關閉 PC 或 iPad 上的聲音)
• 支援 Windows 7 預設的 Aero 桌面主題,提供半透明視窗效果
• 支援 Pinch-to-zoom 功能的直覺式觸控手勢
• 可選用虛擬螢幕鍵盤輸入文字
• 當旋轉 iPad 時,螢幕會自動隨之旋轉 (橫向和縱向模式均適用)
• 設定密碼以保護隱私
• 使用者可根據 PC 位置自行決定延伸螢幕的位置

Wish you had an extra monitor but don’t feel like spending any extra money on getting one? If you have a computer running Windows 7, a WiFi connection and an iPad – you’re in luck. Splashtop Inc. has just announced the release of its Splashtop XDisplay app for iPad that turns your iPad into your second monitor for your desktop or laptop computer. 

While it’s not the same as having a gorgeous 32″ monitor to match your primary display, most of the time the 9.7″ of the iPad should be good enough for most people. Now if you’re wondering what the point of having two displays is; there’s so many advantages provided with the use of a second screen. Users can reduce the amount of clutter on their desktops by moving their extra icons, widgets and apps such as instant messengers or Twitter onto the secondary screen, while the primary screen can be used to focus on work/entertainment without any distractions.

Other advantages include the ability to view extra large images or spreadsheets without having to zoom, or scroll all over the place; the second monitor can be used as a presentation device if you choose to use it as a mirror instead, and since your iPad is the second screen, you can use it to watch movies without having to deal with the time-consuming file conversion process.

Splashtop XDisplay on the iPad works by connecting to a PC that is running a free Windows Streamer. It’s that simple. On the iPad, users can even pinch to zoom and use other gestures for interacting with the content on screen. Splashtop XDisplay is available now as a free app which limits users to an unlimited amount of 10-minute sessions. If users want to remove the limit, they will have to make an in-app purchase of $9.99. However, Splashtop is having a promotion right now and is selling the app at $4.99 for a limited time. And yes, it is compatible with both the iPad and the iPad 2. Head over to the Apple Store to download Splashtop XDisplay now.


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    Shacho San


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