In February Patently Apple posted a report titled "Apple could use a Micro-LED Display for a Future VR Headset." When Apple acquired LuxVue back in May 2014, a specialist in micro-LED screen technologies, Venture Capitalist John Doer of KPCB described LuxVue's technology as being "technical breakthrough in displays." Apple could eventually use LED displays for a future headset and for a vehicle's heads-up-display. But a new report this morning is claiming that Apple's first use of LuxVue's technology may be for future Apple Watch displays.
"While Apple adopted OLED panels for Apple Watch, Apple is developing Micro LED panelswhich may be used in place of OLED at the earliest in the second half of 2017, according to Taiwan-based supply chain makers.
Micro LED displays ranges in size from 1-micron to 100-micron, and the production costs are higher than that for OLED panels currently, the sources noted.
Earlier this month we posted an IP report titled "Apple Invents Conformable, Wearable Displays," that was one of the first patents regarding the use of LED technology. The report noted that "Apple's invention covers conformable electronic devices, packages, and methods of formation. The conformable electronic devices may be integrated with a variety of applications and products, ranging from textile products (e.g. as a wearable display as illustrated below) to product packaging materials (e.g. shrink wrapping). Additional embodiments include other wearable flexible surfaces, such as wristbands, watches, hats, shoes, pants, shorts, gloves, etc.
While Apple's Taiwanese supply chain believes that Apple's development of micro LED panels will be for a next-gen Apple Watch, Apple's recent patent-pending invention suggests that it could be for a wide variety of future wearable devices.
Source:Patently Apple