根據美國舊金山一家市場研究公司Radiant Insights預測,連接到網際網路的裝置數量將在2014年達到90億台,並可望在2020年時快速飆升至超過1千億台。

這個數字較先前由思科公司(Cisco Systems Inc.)所做的預測數字更高2倍。思科的預測數字已經廣泛被物聯網(IoT)的支持者所引用了,而Radiant的預測數字更反映出在這段時間內將以超過50%的複合年平均長率(CAGR)成長。這個數字甚至還比Gatrtner的統計數字更高出4倍。


Radiant Insights預測,無線感測器網路將用於家庭、都市與工業系統的監測與控制。這將帶來爆炸性增加的資料,但其中有大量的資料可能在用戶不堪負載時被棄置。因此,在無線感測器網路中的資料分析將變得更重要。


LONDON — The number of Internet connections will grow from 9 billion devices in 2014 to 100 billion by 2020, according to market research firm Radiant Insights of San Francisco.



That's twice as many as the estimate from Cisco Systems Inc., which has been widely used by proponents of the Internet of Things (IoT). Radiant's figure represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the period of about 50 percent. It is also four times higher than the 26 billion figure estimated by Gartner.

As a result of this explosion of connectivity, the worldwide market for chips supplying wireless sensor networks is set to grow from $2.7 billion in 2013 and reach $12 billion by 2020. This is a CAGR over the period of 23 percent.

Radiant predicts that wireless sensor networks will be used to monitor and control very many domestic, urban, and industrial systems. This promises to produce an explosion of data, much of which will be discarded as users are overwhelmed by the volume. As a result, analysis of the data within the wireless sensor network will become necessary so that alerts and meaningful information are generated at the leaf nodes.

The change from wired networks to wireless networks will add to the growth as wireless networks can have a broader reach than wired networks and are more flexible and extensible.

— Peter Clarke covers analog and sensors for EE Times Europe.

Article originally published on EE Times Europe.

編譯:Susan Hong

(參考原文:Chip Market for Wireless Sensor Networks on 23% CAGR,by Peter Clarke)



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