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SmartQ 智器 Z Watch  

智慧型手錶市場註定會是個熱鬧的市場,這次智器也加入到這場市場爭奪戰中來。他們的新品叫 Z Watch,用的是為可穿戴式設備準備的極低功耗處理器,具體配置資訊官方還沒有提供,沒有意外的話是來自 Ingenic。不過他們宣稱 Z Watch 在待機時間上,達到了 18,000 分鐘,約 12 天半時間,當然實際使用時間還有待我們試過才知道。Z Watch 內置了動作感測器、運動計步器,可以實現睡眠分析儀的功能,和其它智慧型手錶一樣可以充當智慧型手機的伴侶。另外,它還具備防水性能,錶帶為通用型可更換。

同時,Z Watch 還具備了智慧語音辨識功能,是智器、科大訊飛和雲知聲三方合作的結果。整個系統基於 Android 4.3 打造,看官方公佈的介面截圖還是蠻有新意的。

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1 (1)  


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Baby’s New Bestie

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Nissan Nismo Smartwatch  

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DNP Motorola files a patent application for wristworn electronic device

最近一年來,佩戴型的數碼設備消息層出不窮。Motorola 提交給美國專利和商標局(最初提出在 2012 年 2 月,直到今天才剛發佈)的電子裝置相關專利獲得通過,這個裝置被描繪為「可圍住的用戶附肢」,但是我們在這裡大膽地將其想像為智慧手錶。這個專利裡包含了很多有趣的特性,比如眼球注視偵測功能、支援螢幕觸控操作、雙鉸鏈顯示系統。Motorola 在這個領域並非新手,早前的 MOTOACTV 被認為是面向健身的智慧手錶。上訴所提到的這個新裝置也提供了類似的功能,包括可顯示身體狀態資訊和運動監測。雖然不是所有的專利都會實現在最終產品身上,但這讓我們有足夠的興趣期待這款新品能夠推向市場。引用來源有更多的詳細資訊,如果你好奇的話可以仔細看看。

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Transparent Watch

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Ready-wear Eye Tech

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LG證實:首台《可彎曲螢幕手機》 最快將在年底問世~  


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Smartphone Watch1


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Now that Google Glass and Oculus Rift have entered the zeitgeist, might we start to see VR and AR products popping up on every street corner? Perhaps, but Meta has just launched an interesting take on the concept by marrying see-through, stereoscopic, display glasses with a Kinect-style depth sensor. That opens up the possibility of putting virtual objects into the real world, letting you "pick up" a computer-generated 3D architectural model and spin it around in your hand, for instance, or gesture to control a virtual display appearing on an actual wall. To make it work, you connect a Windows PC to the device, which consists of a pair of 960 x 540 Epson displays embedded in the transparent glasses (with a detachable shade, as shown in the prototype above), and a depth sensor attached to the top. That lets the Meta 1 track your gestures, individual fingers and walls or other physical surfaces, all of which are processed in the PC with motion tracking tech to give the illusion of virtual objects anchored to the real world.

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All that gear is shoved into a 3D-printed module and attached to the BT-100 to turn it into a pair of smart glasses. In addition to the cameras and sensors, APX also hacked an Epson daughter board onto the Moverio's controller to allow an HDMI video feed from a smartphone to be shown on the displays. This result? A system that understands where you are, what you're seeing and hearing and a UI that allows users to glean information from the world around them using voice commands and head gestures. That should sound familiar to fans of Google Glass, but by using Epson's binocular displays, these smart glasses can convey depth in a way Mountain View's monocle cannot. (Not to mention that Glass doesn't even do AR apps... yet). The hardware we got to see was a crude prototype built for demo purposes only, but the software platform shows promise and Epson's got a version two Moverio headset in the works -- so perhaps you can see a bit of the future of smart glasses in the video after the break.

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據美國科技網站「蘋果內幕」(Appleinsider)報導,分析師懷特(Brian White)週四(4日)在客戶報告中指出,他相信微軟 (Microsoft)明年將推出可連接網路的眼鏡。

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來自根特大學 Microsystems Technology 技術中心的研究人員們帶來了一個很奇特的隱形眼鏡,它的鏡片上內置了一個很小的 LCD 螢幕。和之前內置 LED 只能顯示有限的畫素不同的是,這個球形的 LCD 螢幕可以顯示足夠多的畫素,從而能形成一個有效圖形。研究人員還通過一段影片來展示它所能夠顯示的效果,可以看到一個很清晰的美元符號。

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Sony SmartWatch

Alongside Sony's pair of new Xperia handsets, the company's taken the chance to offer up some new smart accessories to augment those very Android phones. Here's the SmartWatch. The spiritual successor to LiveView, the clippable watch detaches from the flexible watch strap. In fact, we've been told that the device can be transplanted to any watch strap. It's connected to Bluetooth through your phone -- acting as a notifier and music play as well as the capability to answer calls and check-up on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. The capacitive touchscreen ably picked up our prods, although you'll need to tap the side-button to wake the display. Thanks to the lightweight rubbery strap, it's not a chore to wear either, with several strap color options readied for launch. It's not attempting to match the resolution of your smartphone, although it plays nice with any Sony phone running Android 2.1 and above. We go wrists-on after the brea, but you can expect the device to adorn your arm some time this quarter at around $149.

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Nokia Morph patent application raises hope well beyond expectation  

Remember Nokia Morph? It's the Finnish manufacturer's long-standing project to build a transparent, flexible phone that you can contort to your hearts content. Now the company's submitting a second missive to the Patent and Trademark office in the hope of claiming dibs on the IP contained therein. While it's very broadly written (and doesn't commit to anything), it's interesting to note that the phone would switch between the leaf-shaped candybar (we played with it at MWC) and a wristband you can wear on the go. The patent also talks about a "remote processing unit," in a nearby device or in the cloud, so, if the company can ever turn the dream into reality, the real action will be handled elsewhere. Then again, it's equally as likely to never appear in our lifetimes, you just never can tell with patents.

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While we still marvel at the concept of bendy phones and ones that are transparent, it’s time to welcome a genre that twists and can be easily manipulated to fit your ergonomic form. HumanForm is a an project by Nokia Design and Nokia Research Center and explores the promise of nanotechnology and emotional interactions in a dynamically flexible device that goes beyond being just another touch screen. It features voice communication where technology is invisible and intuition takes over! The following video explains it all…

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今天的 Motorola 發表會所有人的目光都集中在 Droid RAZR 上,但 Moto 其實還發表了另一個號稱是「終極運動裝置」的 Motoactv。這台集合了音樂播放器和運動健身功能的小機器顯然的是要和 iPod Nano / Nike+ 打對台,有著 600 MHz 的處理器、可以追蹤你的心跳和記錄你的跑步、走路和騎單車資料、並有 GPS 來記錄你的運動路線,全部裝在重僅 35g 的機身內。Motoactv 也可以用來聽 FM,並有 8GB 和 16GB 兩種容量版本,售價分別為 $249 美元和 $299 美元。

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