
目前分類:OLED/QLED/PHOLED/Micro LED/觸控面板/其它顯示技術 (509)

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中國面板廠京東方(BOE)打造 10.5 代 LCD 面板產線,將成日本夏普(Sharp)之外,唯一投資 10 代線的廠商。先前外傳韓廠為了保住市場龍頭地位,可能跟進。不過韓媒爆料稱,由於投資金額過大,Samsung Display 和 LG Display 都決定暫緩加入戰局。

Samsung Display 和 LG Display 決定暫時延後 10 代線投資計畫,兩家韓廠在京東方宣布建廠前,就詳加研究 10 代線計畫,但至今尚未拍板。內情人士表示,Samsung Display 和 LG Display 都認為必須投資 10.5 代線,但是投資期間有過多不確定性,因此遲遲未能做出決定。

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全球車用顯示面板主力廠商包含:日本顯示器(JDI)、群創(Innolux)、夏普(SHARP)、樂金顯示器(LGD)、友達(AUO)、京瓷顯示器(Kyocera Display)等顯示面板廠商。2013年全球車用顯示面板出貨佔比例估計,以群創佔比最高達到23%,其次為日本顯示器的佔比21%,以及第三名的夏普佔比18%。 

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蘋果傳正在加緊試驗新觸控面板材料,南韓媒體《ETNews》11 日報導指出,蘋果打算將觸控面板的 ITO(銦錫氧化物)薄膜換成奈米銀線(AgNW)導電材料,一方面提高面板觸控靈敏度,另一方面還可降低製造成本。

與 ITO 相比,網狀結構的 AgNW 更有彈性,因此更適合用在曲面螢幕。除此之外,奈米銀線對壓力感測能力也較佳,能依據指尖施力的大小改變螢幕上線條的粗細。

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Korea IT Times 21 日引述業界消息報導,LG 電子目前為全球碩果僅存的 OLED TV 製造商,而該公司在中國農曆春節假期期間,55 吋 full HD-class OLED TV 的銷售量只有大約 1,200 台、還是不如公司預期。

也就是說,OLED TV 僅佔中國高階電視機銷售量的 1% 左右。市調機構 DisplaySearch 的數據顯示,在相同期間內,中國的高階電視機銷售量為 165,000 台。

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OLED電視面板貴森森,各家紛紛收手,放棄拿OLED當主打商品,唯有南韓面板巨擘LG Display(LGD)孤注一擲,想靠一己之力拉高銷量。不料最新消息顯示,OLED面板買氣差,庫存越堆越多,LGD已經被迫大砍OLED電視面板產量。

韓媒etnews 22日報導,業界人士透露,LGD原本計劃今年生產74.2萬片OLED電視面板,但目標隨後下修至65萬片、年初再減至50萬片,如今更砍至不到50萬片。據了解這是因為Full HD OLED電視銷售欠佳,4K OLED電視面板又良率過低。

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LED phosphors are key elements for the quality of the light, from industrial to automotive applications and also general lighting. Yole Développement has published a new report ("Phosphors & Quantum Dots 2015: LED Downconverters for Lighting & Displays") covering the evolution of these products, both in terms of market and applications but also technology trends, as quantum dots are now entering volume production for display applications and could be adopted as well for lighting applications in the next 3 to 4 years. 

We interviewed Nanosys Inc., one of the key developer and manufacturer of quantum dots for display, in order to share with us the evolution of the industry, the trends linked to the adoption of quantum dots and also what will happen in the next years.

Yole Développement: Can you introduce Nanosys history, products and ongoing development projects?
Jeff Yurek: Nanosys is leading the development of quantum dot technology for displays. Since our founding in 2001, we have partnered with leading display makers in creating standout tablets, TVs and smartphones that are thinner, lighter, brighter and more colorful than ever before. Our business model consists of two elements: 1) we sell Quantum Dot Concentrate™ materials and 2) technology licensing of component designs, like our Quantum Dot Enhancement Film (QDEF®), to industrial supply chain partners

While most of the innovative work we do can be measured in atomic units, the true impact of our technology advancements reach far beyond the beautiful and vibrant devices consumers hold in their hands. Nanosys has blazed a strategic path in quantum dot technology by developing one of the largest quantum dot patent portfolios with nearly 300 issued and pending patents worldwide. Our patents cover everything from the fundamentals of quantum dot construction to component and manufacturing designs. This extensive portfolio is the result of collaborations between Nanosys and prestigious universities such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Lawrence Berkeley National Labs and Hebrew University, as well as industry collaborations with companies like Philips-Lumileds and Life Technologies.

We've partnered with some of the biggest names in tablets and televisions to bring our technology to everyday consumers including 3M, Samsung, Sharp and LG. Working closely with these leading companies has given us insight into the tough engineering problems they face. At Nanosys we're dedicated to generating value for both the manufacturing companies and the consumer. We understand that being a leader in quantum dots takes more than simply making the best quantum dot technology and scaling it -- it takes an understanding of how to easily incorporate this technology into manufacturing processes. The result is products that are practical, commercializable, cost effective and set a new standard in color performance.

Nanosys is headquartered in Milpitas, California, in a state-of-the-art 60,000 square foot manufacturing, research and development facility. One of the largest in the world, our site has an initial installed production capacity of over 25 tons of our Quantum Dot Concentrate™ or enough material for approximately 10 million TVs per year.

QDEF®, Nanosys first major commercial product is shipping today in volume in consumer electronics devices and it's just the beginning. We have many innovative quantum dot products in the pipeline for 2015 and beyond that will continue to drive Nanosys' leadership position in the display industry.

YD: What are the products proposed by the company, what is in volume production or in qualification at customers?
JY: Nanosys manufactures Quantum Dots in high volume today. We recently announcedthat our state-of-the-art nanomaterials fab in Silicon Valley can produce 25 tons of Quantum Dot materials per year. That's enough Quantum Dots for 6 million 60" TVs. This flexible manufacturing line is also designed to produce Quantum Dots both with and without Cadmium without requiring major retooling.

YD: What are the advantage of quantum dots compared to the other technologies?
JY: Quantum Dots are the world's most efficient light emitting technology. Compared to other emitters like conventional LED phosphors and OLED Quantum Dots offer significantly better color performance and power efficiency. With Quantum Dots it is possible to make displays that are more colorful, brighter and more power efficient than ever before.

YD: Displays are the first killer application for quantum dots. What is your opinion on the added value of quantum dots for displays?
JY: Quantum Dots are bringing a whole new level of viewing experience to displays. With Quantum Dots it is now possible to experience the full benefits of UHD including resolution, color range (rec.2020 color gamut) and high dynamic range (HDR).

Samsung's SUHD TVs are a perfect example of this. With Quantum Dots they are able to offer both wide color gamut and peak brightness of 1,000 nits– that's 2-2.5X brighter than TVs today. It may sound extreme but it actually makes for an incredible viewing experience where specular highlights and explosions truly pop! The sort of "Pepsi challenge demo" that Samsung put on pitting Quantum Dots against Plasma, OLED and LED really showed off what this is all about (see image below). That level of performance is not possible without Quantum Dot Enhancement Film (QDEF) no other light emitting technology is efficient enough to do it.

Nanosys YOLE

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蘋果(Apple)在 iPhone 5s 的 Home 鍵上搭載指紋辨識系統「Touch ID」之後,就掀起「指紋辨識」浪潮,而除 5s 之後的iPhone系列機種之外,iPad Air 2、iPad mini 3 也接力搭載了 Touch ID,但未來蘋果 Touch ID 將不再依靠 Home 鍵,而是整個手機螢幕都能進行指紋辨識功能,而此將讓 Home 鍵從蘋果產品上消失?

日本 IT 情報網站 @Web 7 日報導,蘋果已向美國專利商標局(USPTO)提出新專利申請,該專利內容主要是讓螢幕也能擁有指紋辨識功能(以下稱「面板指紋辨識技術」)。@Web 指出,相較於現行 iPhone/iPad Home 鍵所搭載的 Touch ID 只能辨識一個指紋,蘋果新申請的「面板指紋辨識技術」最多可同時辨識 4 個指紋,將大幅提高 iPhone/iPad 的安全性。

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指紋辨識將大舉入駐智慧型手機和平板裝置。愛特梅爾(Atmel)和Fingerprint Cards(FPC)宣布將針對行動裝置市場聯手推出電容觸控式螢幕結合指紋觸摸區感測器技術的指紋辨識方案;而神盾也於2015年美國消費性電子展(CES)發表指紋按壓晶片及模組,可望進一步推高指紋辨識在行動裝置的普及率。


Atmel高級副總裁兼首席技術長Stan Swearingen表示,生物測量指紋安全技術將協助設備製造商在物聯網時代推出更具差異化的觸控式產品,進而提升行動裝置安全性,而藉由Atmel maXTouch技術與FPC安全生物測量指紋感測技術的結合,將打造出更加安全的觸控式螢幕產品,以提升使用者體驗。


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平面顯示器市場研究機構 IHS DisplaySearch 觀察指出,在2015年的國際消費性電子展(CES)上,玻璃基板製造商康寧(Corning)發表了命名為「Iris」的最新玻璃產品,其主要應用於薄型化電視專屬的側光式背光(edge-lit)液晶電視(LCD TV)的導光板(light-guide plate,LGP)。

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2015~2018年各區域量子點電視出貨量預測 (單位:百萬台)
(來源:IHS DisplaySearch)

2013~2018年各技術類別曲面電視出貨量預測 (單位:百萬台)
(來源:IHS DisplaySearch)

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隨著觸控面板市場大幅成長,黏貼觸控面板的上游材料,光學膠帶(Optical Clear Adhesive;OCA)與光學透明樹脂(Optical Clear Resin;OCR)市場規模也隨之成長。一般而言,OCA大多應於智慧型手機等較小尺寸觸控面板,而OCR則多應用於平板電腦等較大尺寸產品。
然而使用OCA黏合顯示器時,會產生極薄的空氣層導致光線散射,可能造成畫面模糊。因此,近來高價智慧型手機多以OCR取代OCA。例如蘋果(Apple)從2011年起就以OCR取代OCA,進行智慧型手機觸控面板製程。三星電子(Samsung Electronics)稍早推出的側邊曲面智慧型手機Galaxy Note Edge,也使用OCR取代OCA。目前OCR主要由日本Alps Electric業者生產,需求雖然日益升高,但由於生產良率及費用問題,短期內OCR仍將局限在高價智慧型手機市場,不過一旦當OCR製造技術改善,並且能與OCA展開價格競爭時,預料上游市場版圖將有所變動。


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觸控產業在2015年,將會有怎樣的發展新局?一場由CTIMES所舉辦的『inCell Touch誰領風騷』技術論壇,由觸控專家,也是目前擔任SuperC-Touch 總經理的李祥宇博士來分享對於觸控產業的最新趨勢觀察,為即將來臨的2015年觸控新局做出了最好的註解。



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Transparent films containing carbon nanobuds—molecular tubes of carbon with ball-like appendages—could turn just about any surface, regardless of its shape, into a touch sensor.

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量子點發光二極體(QLED)能以溶液製程為主的技術製作,雖然此技術具有低成本、大面積且與塑膠等可撓性基板相容的優勢,但二十年來 QLED始終受限於穩定及效率的問題。最近,中國科學家發現在結構中添加一層絕緣層,能修正QLED中電荷不平衡的問題,讓外部量子效率提高至20.5%,操作壽命達10萬小時,刷新了QLED的性能記錄。

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 兩三年前還熾手火熱的觸摸屏產業,而今卻正陷入水深火熱之中。如果說2013年中型廠商合力泰和雅視、德普特的被收購尚能被樂觀的解讀為藉殼上市,如果說去年今年從多中小TP廠家陣亡如:華*、新*達、亮*、創*越、優*微、紅*、明*德佳、康*、鴻*等,是因為山寨的收縮。那麼今年手握小米4訂單的台灣勝華竟然瀕臨倒閉,陷入破產重組境地,給小米4的衝量帶來巨大影響,也算是小米遭遇到的一個黑天鵝事件,好在小米迅速反應已找到3- 4家替代廠商;大陸龍頭歐非光瘋狂的投資攝像頭模組以及指紋模組,這些跡象可以充分證明,曾經火熱的觸摸屏產業已經集體進入嚴冬,並且這個嚴冬後面可能沒有春天。  

巨頭LG已經意識到了市場風向,其大隊人馬帶著最新的技術和產品和國內模組合作夥伴信利開始瘋狂推廣,以圖三足鼎力。LGD能夠和JDI均分iphone6 ​​的份額,技術不成問題,但LGD長期不重視國內客戶的策略成為其拓展中國市場的瓶頸。  JDI雖然有些高傲但品質交貨靠譜,且長期耕耘華為,OPPO,小米等重點客戶。三星amoled獨此一家,且最近價格激進,受累於三星手機頹勢圖謀中國之心路人皆知。此兩家不但瓜分了蘋果,恐怕也將佔據80%以上國產高端份額。  

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美國猶他大學(University of Utah)的研究人員最近開發出一種新式偏振濾光片,能夠容納更多的入射光線,讓僅採用一顆電池作業的行動裝置顯示器畫面更明亮以及延長使用時間,同時還能讓相機在昏暗的光線下順利拍攝。
偏光板在數位攝影與 LCD 顯示器中不可或缺,但卻也會阻擋掉大量的光線,不僅造成能量的浪費,也導致相機難以在低光下進行拍攝。

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