
歐盟通過了一條新的交通安全條例,要求在 2014 年開始,所有在歐盟新車都需要配備自動煞車系統(AEB -- autonomous emergency braking),沒有配備這系統的汽車都不會從 Euro NCAP(汽車安全測試機構)獲得五星級的安全認證呢(目前有 79% 的新車都是沒有配備);而商用汽車則被要求在 2013 年 11 月就開始配備了。說回系統的資訊方面,它可以是以雷達、激光或攝錄其中一個技術去偵測前方汽車,也適用於體積較小的行人。據歐盟的研究指出,若果所有汽車都備有這個系統的話,那麼交通意外率將會減少 27%,每年可以救回 8,000 人的生命喔!另外,他們亦曾以德國為研究對象,發現交通意外少了,減少堵車的話,單單是在德國一個國家就可以由此省回每年一億歐元的經濟損失了。人命和經濟都將得益,希望歐盟能順利推行這個措施吧!

New European regulations have passed that will require new cars to have autonomous emergency braking (AEB). From 2014 onward, the Euro NCAP will include AEB in its assessment of new cars, which will make it impossible for any model without the tech to achieve a five-star safety rating.

Philippe Jean of the European Commission said that all commercial vehicles will need to be fitted with the technology by November next year.

AEB uses radar, laser, or video to sense an impending collision. The software then primes the brakes, or applies them if the situation is too far gone. The hope is that the safety tech will be particularly effective with front-end impacts, such as in heavy traffic. Besides stopping rear-ending crashes that clog up freeways, the required systems will also sense pedestrians in the roadway and apply the brakes before impact.

The European Comission carried out a study that found vehicles fitted with this technology reduced traffic accidents by 27 percent, which translates to 8,000 deaths prevented and between £3.9 ($6.05) billion and £6.3 ($9.7) billion saved each year.

Philippe Jean said of the Euro NCAP crash test organization, “Our studies indicate that the resulting reduction in congestion due to accidents would represent an economic value of about €100 million in Germany alone.” The NCAP also said that 79 percent of the cars currently on sale in Europe are not fitted with the technology. You can read the full report here (PDF).



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