

台灣,台北 - 2011年9月29日:三星電子有限公司,在先進的半導體解決方案的世界領導者,今天宣布其新的1/2.3英寸16萬像素(MP)CMOS圖像傳感器 - S5K2P1 - 三星的先進的1.34微米(微米)背面照度(BSI)像素技術。這是專為高性能,先進的智能手機以及數碼相機和攝像機 16MP分辨率成像。三星推出了其新的成像技術,包括S5K2P1,第八舉行的三星移動解決方案論壇在台北六福皇宮舉行。 

:“由於 CMOS圖像傳感器的採用率在數碼相機市場的增加,市場需求的S5K2P1成像儀,它提供了清晰和快速的視頻,在2012年預計將增長,說:”Dojun李承晚,系統 LSI部副總裁市場營銷,設備解決方案,三星電子等。 “基於 BSI像素技術引進先進的高清晰度成像支持三星CMOS成像器的緊湊型數碼相機和攝像機應用的進一步普及。” 

三星公司S5K2P1是為緊湊型移動 CE設備優化的圖像傳感器,具有出色的圖像質量在視頻模式下。該圖像感應器,支持多種接口,也適合於高級智能手機。 S5K2P1傳感器,支持原生16:9格式的視頻 8.3Mp在每第二和最大的16萬像素點和拍攝影像無快門的時滯效應,每秒30幀分辨率60幀的決議。 

使用了三星先進的1.34um BSI像素技術,S5K2P1提供了極好的靈敏度和低噪聲性能。 S5K2P1還提供更明亮,更生動的圖片,即使在夜間和黑暗的室內條件下。 

據市場研究公司TSR(技術系統的研究),數碼相機市場,預計在2012年達到 154萬台的預測,其中相當一部分高達 48.2%是採用 CMOS圖像傳感器的主要傳感器設備。 

目前,三星的S5K2P1圖像傳感器採樣選擇客戶。定於 2011年11月大規模生產這種成像。 


Samsung's just announced the newest and fastest version of its Exynos mobile processor. The 4212 is a dual-core ARM Cortex A9 clocked to 1.5GHz, built using a 32mn process that makes it 30 percent more efficient and 25 percent faster than the 4210. Last year's model was capable of many impressive feats, but its 3D abilities were hampered by the limits imposed by its HDMI 1.3 controller. The new boy gets version 1.4 and hence the freedom to run stereoscopic imagery at an impressive 70fps. The chips will be available in Q4 of this year, but only to "select customers" who -- we guess -- look after Mr and Mrs. Samsung's cats over the holidays. The chip comes too late for the Galaxy S II LTE but we can expect to see it in future superphones before too long.


16 megapixel CMOS sensor designed for mobile devices

At the same time, the company released a 16 megapixel CMOS sensor designed for mobile devices. It can shoot stills at the quoted figure and is theoretically capable of 30fps video at around half that, although we're unlikely to see a device that can record 8 megapixel video in the near future. If you hadn't guessed, "select customers" will get their extra-polite hands on the Samsung S5K2P1 in November, other OEMs will have to wait outside, in the snow. Of course, as everyone knows, it's not about how big your megapixel count is, it's what you do with 'em that really counts.



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