How to get all of the entertainment content you want onto your iPhone? If you live in Japan, have a free pocket, and don't mind shelling out the ¥14,800 ($191), Panasonic's Pocket Server DY-PS10 should do the trick. The handset-sized device can stream content from its built-in SD card slot to your iPhone / iPod touch via a wireless connection. The Pocket Server can handle H.264 files, JPEGs, and MP3s, and the battery should give you about 10 hours of playback. The device will go on sale September 15th in Japan. The rest of us, meanwhile, will have to find other things to fill our pockets with.
松下是網站,其產品直接“PanaSense Panasensu”袖珍服務器限量版模型“DY - PS10”發布。9月15日將發布。
SD卡插槽和內置的無線局域網。錄像機“DIGA(DIGA),”走了一個程序記錄在SD卡,可播放iPhone / iPod touch上通過無線局域網連接。身體也內置可充電電池的重量輕,結構緊湊,重量約為82克,可用於隨身攜帶的iPhone / iPod的觸摸。
SD卡插槽兼容SDXC。當使用64GB SDXC卡可以在VGA質量帶來高達 88小時的高清晰度節目。此外,照片“DIGA”可以捕捉,並能捕獲音樂文件從您的電腦,它可以被用來作為外部存儲。
符合IEEE802.11b的無線局域網 /克。機身尺寸為 66.8(W)× 13(高)× 117(D)毫米,重量約為82克(含電池)。電池壽命大約是10小時。