iPad 2的無線通訊晶片配置與iPhone 4可說是如出一轍,所有晶片的搭配方式都是與iPhone 4一模一樣。CDMA版本主要使用高通MDM6600(基頻+GPS);而3G GSM版本則是使用英飛凌(成為絕響了...)337S3833基頻晶片搭配高通BCM4751(iPhone使用BCM4750) GPS模組。
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iPad 2 3G GSM & CDMA Teardown
Step 1 — iPad 2 3G GSM & CDMA Teardown
When comparing the GSM and CDMA versions of the iPad 2, the most obvious difference is the microSIM slot.
The microSIM slot is located in the upper left corner of the GSM iPad 2. The case is machined uniquely in this area on GSM models to accommodate the SIM ejector mechanism and the SIM tray.
In contrast, the CDMA version doesn't rely on SIM cards of any sort and uses the circuitry on the WWAN board to relay user information. This adds up to an empty space in the outer case above the WWAN board where the microSIM slot was installed on the GSM version.
Step 2
From top to bottom, a comparison of the WWAN antennas in the GSM, CDMA, and Wi-Fi versions, respectively.
There is one more antenna in the CDMA version of the iPad 2, which is similar to the antenna configuration of the Verizon iPhone 4.
For additional information on why GSM and CDMA require different antenna geometry, check out our iPhone 4 Verizon teardown.
Obviously, the Wi-Fi version has no WWAN antenna and thus has no black plastic antenna window along the top edge of its case. Instead, it makes do with solid aluminum.
Of the three, having the Wi-Fi-only version in your chest pocket is your best bet if someone decides to shoot at you.
Step 3
Shown here are the logic board in the Wi-Fi, GSM, and CDMA models (listed from top to bottom).
iFixit's 6-inch metal ruler is shown to provide scaling.
The WWAN boards on the 3G models are connected to their logic boards via surface-mounted ribbon cables.
These cables make the WWAN board not user-replaceable, as the cables securely (and permanently) attach the WWAN board to the logic board.
Step 4
Chips providing 3G connectivity for the CDMA iPad 2 include:
Unsurprisingly, all of these chips are found in the Verizon iPhone 4.
Edit Step 5
Big players on the GSM iPad 2 3G board include:
Step 6
A comparison of the headphone jacks (from top to bottom): Wi-Fi, CDMA, and GSM.
By and by, the headphone jacks are identical, with the exception of the GSM version which houses a microSIM card slot.
Since the CDMA version has no microSIM card slot, it actually uses the exact same headphone jack assembly as the Wi-Fi version.
Astute readers will also notice the GSM's headphone jack missing. It paid the ultimate sacrifice for our iPad 2 headphone jack article.
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