
新型感測器可以檢測出,空氣中含有的通過呼吸,或者由皮膚釋放出的化學物質,該設備可能會是第一款可辨識廣泛化學物質,而不是物理屬性的可穿戴設備。 密西根大學的研究人員正在與美國國家科學基金會的創新團隊合作,編寫程式來把這款行動設備從實驗室搬到市場上。
“每一種疾病都有它自己的生物標記,所以該設備能夠檢測出來,” 生物醫學工程教授Sherman Fan說。“例如對於糖尿病來說,丙酮是一種標記。”
Fan正在和電氣電腦工程副教授朝暉鐘共同研發這款感測器,一同的還有正在攻讀電子工程學位元的Girish Kulkarni。研究人員說他們的設備比同行更快、更小、更可靠,他們的體積過於龐大而不適合作為可穿戴設備。新型感測器可以檢測出更廣泛的化學物質。
然而,這些以前的技術通常會導致被發現的分子,和感測器本身進行強有力的結合。 這種結合會減慢檢測的速度。
這種技術使得應用石墨烯成為了可能,結果是極快的回應時間(千分之一秒),與現有技術的幾十或幾百秒形成了鮮明的對比,它還極大地增加了設備的靈敏度。 感測器可以檢測出比率是十億分之幾的樣本分子數。
來源:物聯網世界網 作者:特邀記者JIM

The capabilities of wearable sensors seem to be expanding every day. However, for the most part these sensors have measured just physical attributes, like heart rate.

Now researchers at the University of Michigan have developed a graphene-based wearable sensor capable of detecting airborne chemicals that serve as indicators of medical conditions. For instance, the sensor could detect acetone, which is a biomarker for diabetes. Or it could detect abnormal levels of nitric oxide and oxygen, which would be an indicator of conditions such as high blood pressure, anemia, or lung disease.

"With our platform technology, we can measure a variety of chemicals at the same time, or modify the device to target specific chemicals. There are limitless possibilities," said Zhaohui Zhong, an associate professor at the University of Michigan, in a press release.

The researchers had to take a novel approach to how the nanosensor detect chemicals. In research, which was published in the journal Nature Communications, the Michigan researchers developed a sensing mechanism based on detecting molecular dipoles.

This sensing mechanism stands in contrast to most other nanosensors, which are based on detecting a change in charge density due to a molecule binding to the sensor.

"Nanoelectronic sensors typically depend on detecting charge transfer between the sensor and a molecule in air or in solution," said Girish Kulkarni, a doctoral candidate and one of the researchers, in a press release. "Instead of detecting molecular charge, we use a technique called heterodyne mixing, in which we look at the interaction between the dipoles associated with these molecules and the nanosensor at high frequencies."

The researchers claim that the graphene made this sensing technique possible, resulting in extremely fast response times of tenths of a second as opposed to tens or hundreds of seconds in existing technology. In addition to fast response times the sensors are highly sensitive, capable of detecting molecules with a concentration of a few parts per billion.

With these graphene-based sensors, the researchers have been able to put an entire chromatography system on a single chip that is able to operate with very little power. With this setup, a badge-side device could be worn on the body to give continuous monitoring of health conditions.



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