Geomerics公司知名的 Enlighten 光源引擎技術是首款針對電腦繪圖的即時全域光影技術。全域光影技術可在 3D 繪圖中創造先進且逼真的光影效果。目前典型的繪圖應用僅限於簡單、直接的光影效果。而透過採用全域光影技術,如複合反射效果、折射、陰影等先進特效,可提供更逼真的繪圖品質。
Enlighten 技術一直是業界目前最先進且最暢銷遊戲軟體所選擇的光引擎解決方案。透過成為ARM的一部份,Geomerics將取得導入下一代平台與設備的動能,加速於遊戲控制器與行動平台的發展。該交易的詳細條款尚未發佈。
13 December 2013, CAMBRIDGE, UK - ARM (LSE: ARM; Nasdaq: ARMH) today acquired Geomerics, the leader in lighting technology for the gaming and entertainment industries. The acquisition expands ARM's position at the forefront of the visual computing and graphics industries. Additionally, the agreement enables Geomerics to build on their existing partnerships as well as accelerate their development in mobile.
Read the full press release here.
Why did you decide to sell Geomerics?
As part of a normal start-up, Geomerics were involved in various ongoing discussions related to investment and expansion of the business. In over two years working in partnership with ARM (as well as others) these topics naturally came up and the more we looked at it in detail the more the benefits of joining the two companies more closely together became obvious.
How did you decide ARM were the right partner?
Geomerics and ARM have been working together in partnership for over two years. As part of this, numerous activities were identified as being either mirrored, overlapping or complementary between the two companies. As ARM becomes increasingly active in the games space, this evolution seemed beneficial to both companies.
What does this mean for Geomerics' customers and suppliers?
ARM are committed to Geomerics continuing its business exactly as before. There are no significant changes to how Geomerics conducted business before and all customers can rest assured that they will continue to be supported to the highest possible level of service, as they have come to expect from Geomerics. Geomerics being part of ARM will help Geomerics grow and expand the customer base for Enlighten.
ARM are primarily focused on the mobile market. How does this affect Geomerics' commitment to the console market?
ARM acquired Geomerics to further enhance their ecosystem and expertise around high end games developers in addition to the suitability of the technology for mobile devices. Geomerics will continue to push for the highest graphical quality across all platforms including both console and mobile.
What can we expect day to day? Any changes to the Geomerics team?
There will be very little change in the Geomerics team from day one. The Geomerics team is staying in place and will be augmented with additional experience within ARM. Being part of ARM will help Geomerics continue its development of a strong roadmap, expand its reach further in the market and grow Geomerics further as a supplier of middleware in the games industry.