
目前分類:平板電腦/電子書/筆電/伺服器 (307)

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The Indian government thinks the $35 Aakash Android tablet has the power to change the world. After testing one out, we’d tend to agree.

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HP to Keep PC Division

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Hidden within Nokia's Future Lounge, this very flexible display offers up a glimpse of what sort of thing we could possibly be dealing with when we roll up to Nokia World in 2021. The prototype Nokia Kinetic Device, including its display, can be flexed across both the vertical and horizontal planes -- with bending and twisting motions controlling the interface. If you bend the screen towards yourself, it acts as a selection function, or zooms in on any pictures you're viewing. In music mode, you can navigate, play and pause with the tactile interface. It's still a way off from arriving on phones, though Nokia is aiming to whet developers' appetites with this prototype. We may have seen some twisty interfaces already, but nothing packing a four-inch screen and built-in functionality like this. Nokia couldn't confirm the screen technology being used. Could that be a flexible AMOLED display? See those impressive viewing angles and contortions after the break and judge for yourself.

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DIGITIMES Research:亞馬遜獨撐大局 2011全年電子書閱讀器出貨僅2,200萬台

全球景氣於8月初開始惡化,消費性電子產品因此受到衝擊,在第4季多半旺季不旺。DIGITIMES Research分析師汪貫中分析,以平板裝置(Tablet)為例,第4季出貨恐零成長。

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Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus 本身搭載7吋 PLS LCD 觸控螢幕,解像度為 1024 x 600,使用目前最新的 Android 3.2 系統和 TouchWiz 介面,並且內置自家研發的 Exynos 1.2GHz 雙核心處理器與 1GB 記憶體,以及 16/32GB 儲存空間,支援最大 32G 的 microSD 卡擴展。

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We knew that lurking under the e-ink screen gracing the front of Sony's PRS-T1 reader was some version of Android. What was unclear, was whether or not we'd ever be able to actually get a peek under its highly customized skin and a chance to start poking its open-source innards. Well, thanks to one intrepid hacker, we're almost there. YouTube user vladboroda has managed to install AWD.Launcher and a host of other apps on the Reader and actually got some of them up and running. You won't be able to play Angry Birds on its 6-inch touchscreen (yet...) but it is capable of running other e-reader apps, like FBReader, and there is access to the terminal. It's not quite enough that we'd start referring to the PRS-T1 as a tablet just yet, and the hack still isn't available to the public, but work is progressing and we're sure it'll have you browsing the web and slingshotting aggravated avians in no time. Check out the video after the break.

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與當前的Xoom平板電腦類似,Xoom家庭版擁有10.1英寸觸摸屏、雙核處理器、前置攝像頭和後置攝像頭,並採用Android 3.0“蜂巢”操作系統。不過,該版本Xoom的存儲容量較低,僅為16GB,低於此前版本的32GB。

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13.3 吋機種 

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先前惠普宣布退出平板計算機市場震撼業界,不過據供應商透露,惠普計劃再戰平板市場,不過將放棄自家操作系統WebOS,轉而採用微軟Windows 8或Google Android,預料Windows 8上市後,將再掀起另一波平板大戰。 

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Coby Drops 5 Android Tablets 7吋平板199降至129美元

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這是小面積的市場競爭,但越級是捍衛自己的地盤,在這方面對所謂 LeapPad孩子面向一個平板。兒童愛台iPad,iPhone和類似,即使他們的父母還沒有準備好這些設備,只是還沒有把他們的手。然而,這是一個適合利基,特別是蘋果,一定程度上失去。

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新浪科技訊北京時間10月1日早間消息,百思買將於10月1日將HTC Flyer平板電腦的售價從499美元下調至299美元

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Pad A1只賣1000 元人民幣 

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非蘋平板大廠今年出師多不利   .


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9月23日,市場調研公司Gartner預計,今年全球媒體平板電腦的銷量可能達到6360萬臺,這一數據略微微低於今年早些時候的預計。Gartner 4月份對今年平板電腦銷量的預期為6980萬臺。


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