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眾所矚目的蘋果(Apple)春季產品發表會最大的亮點在於 Apple Watch ,該產品因為錶蓋採用了藍寶石玻璃材料,更是讓中國藍寶石產業帶來前所未有的轉機。TrendForce旗下綠能事業處 LEDinside 中國首席分析師王飛表示,Apple Watch上市後將為藍寶石產業注入成倍的需求,使藍寶石產業有機會晉級成為中國具有全球競爭優勢的新興材料產業之一。

王飛表示,2015全年 Apple Watch 出貨數量預計達到2,000萬支,其中僅Apple Watch Sport系列沒有搭配藍寶石錶蓋。由於藍寶石錶蓋需要雙面拋光以及2.5D加工,因此對於藍寶石的厚度要求會相較其他產品來得高。LEDinside預估2015年單純就Apple Watch蓋板玻璃一項應用,將使用約3,080萬mm (約當2吋直徑)的藍寶石,佔據全球藍寶石晶棒的產出比例高達18%。這一龐大的新增需求,可望大幅改善現有的藍寶石產業供需結構。

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Apple’s and Samsung’s Changing Smartphone Recipes  

Smartphones are complex devices. Their flexibility means that for every generation, manufacturers must make trade-offs that represent how they think they can best meet users’ changing priorities at the lowest production cost. The charts below provide a breakdown of the portions of the total cost due to different components for Apple’s iPhone and Samsung’s Galaxy series of phones, provided by analysis company Teardown.com. These reveal both changes in the costs of underlying technologies and where manufacturers are investing in boosting the capabilities of their phones. For more details, including absolute costs, visit the interactive version of this article online.

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近來智慧型手機關注度最高的,莫過於甫上市的 iPhone 6/6 Plus 了,由於 iPhone 使用的零組件眾多,iPhone 基本上是由全球各地不同供應商所分別提供,最終在中國的代工廠中組合完成,不過供應比重最重的是哪個地區呢?雖然答案不讓人意外,不過卻也可以看出全球電子業的分布概況。

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Apple Watch  

Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

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蘋果正在與英國燃料電池公司「Intelligent Energy」合作一個專案,希望在幾年內能夠在行動裝置內裝入燃料電池。對於盛傳的將太陽能或燃料電池運用在行動裝置上,蘋果目前不作任何評論。
Intelligent Energy的網站上列出該公司主要的產品服務項目有汽車業、分散式電源與發電以及消費性電器等。其提供的解決方案包括一套完整集成的燃料電池堆來產生電力。另外該公司還生產「UPP」,這乃是一種行動電源,而且可以替換其中的氫燃料,相當適合運用在行動裝置。

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A new Apple patent for smartwatch designs and features is bound to fuel more speculation about an incoming "iWatch," even though such claims often amount to nothing. Still, the patent is interesting on its own merits. One version shows a receptacle band that could accept an external "iTime" module as shown above -- not unlike the iPod Nano watch craze from 2010. However, Apple's band has built-in electronics like Bluetooth transceivers, along with accelerometers and GPS modules -- sensors rumored to be built-in to Apple's upcoming wearable. According to the document, that would enable smartphone or computer notifications that you could see, hear or feel. You'd also be able to dismiss notifications or perform other actions by shaking your wrist once or several times, according to another claim.

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(來源:NPD DisplaySearch)


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Apple 公司和 IBM 週二宣佈達成一項排他性的合作關係,將聯合兩家公司領先市場的力量,透過一種新類型的商務應用來改造企業行動市場,也就是將 IBM 的大數據和分析能力導入 Apple 公司的 iPhone 和 iPad。


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蘋果正在與英國燃料電池公司「Intelligent Energy」合作一個專案,希望在幾年內能夠在行動裝置內裝入燃料電池。對於盛傳的將太陽能或燃料電池運用在行動裝置上,蘋果目前不作任何評論。

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Apple 新專利設計的示意圖  

Apple 新專利設計的示意圖(圖片來源:美國專利局)

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美國專利商標局公佈了蘋果獲得一項新專利,指出蘋果未來的iOS 設備可能會使用基於MEMA 的自動聚焦執行器,縮短響應時間,提高成像穩定等。該專利的發明人來自Cambridge Mechatronics,專門研究自動聚焦執行器技術。

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「量子點」(quantum dot)是準零維(quasi-zero-dimensional)的奈米材料,由少量的原子所構成。粗略地說,量子點三個維度的尺寸都在100奈米(nm)以下,外觀恰似一極小的點狀物,其內部電子在各方向上的運動都受到侷限,所以量子侷限效應(quantum confinement effect)特別顯著。由於量子侷限效應會導致類似原子的不連續電子能階結構,因此量子點又被稱為「人造原子」(artificial atom)。科學家已經發明許多不同的方法來製造量子點,並預期這種奈米材料在二十一世紀的奈米電子學(nanoelectronics)上有極大的應用潛力。

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過去,我們總能在許多網站上,看到手機攝影的周邊配件,不論是直接黏在手機鏡頭上,或是以手機殼的整體設計,讓照相手機所看出去的視角有更多的變化。最令人印象深刻的,便是iPhone SLR Mount,能讓小小的 iPhone 轉接 單眼相機鏡頭;爾後的 Sony Xperia Z1 ,也可以搭配外掛的 Sony DSC-QX10 / QX100 拍照。現在Apple似乎也嗅到手機攝影周邊的商機,預計將在iPhone鏡頭上設計接環,由自家生產擴充鏡頭再創新市場?

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根據科技資訊媒體 TechCrunch 報導指出,蘋果(Apple)去年低調收購來自英國的自動語音辨識技術公司 Novauris,但相關消息並未對外透露,至今雙方才確認購併一事。技術背景雄厚的 Novauris 團隊在加入蘋果後,負責強化語音助理 Siri 的發展。

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According to the report, Apple will use Nanosys, a company that owns 300 patents in Quantum Dot technology, and has been rumored to be working with Apple since December. Shaughnessy added that Nanosys CEO Jason Hartlove told him last week that the first QD smartphone will launch by "mid-year," which matches up with the May-June expectations for the iPhone 6.
Shaughnessy also points to four recently published Apple patent filings for Quantum Dot tech, which suggests that they were filed about 18 months ago and "began to work on QD significantly in advance of that."

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