
ARM 日前推出新款 ARMv8 架構 Cortex-A50 處理器系列產品,目前推出的新型號包括 Cortex-A53 與 Cortex-A57 處理器、以及最新節能64位元處理技術,既有32位元處理技術也將同時升級。該處理器系列的可擴充性將有助於 ARM 合作夥伴開發出的系統單晶片(SoC),得以滿足橫跨智慧手機到高效能伺服器等不同類型的市場需求。
藉由提供3倍現有超級手機(superphone)的處理器效能,並且可將現有超級手機體驗延伸至入門款智慧型手機,Cortex-A50處理器系列將持續驅動行動運算體驗的進化。結合ARM及ARM合作夥伴所提供的完整開發工具套件及模擬模型,可使軟體開發更為快速容易。此外,Cortex-A53和Cortex-A57不僅與ARM廣大的 32位元生態系統完全相容,也與ARM旗下快速發展的64位元生態系統相互整合。

ARM Cortex-A50處理器系列具備可選配的密碼編譯加速器(cryptographic acceleration),有助於驗證軟體加速高達10倍;它們與ARM Mali繪圖處理器系列互通,適用於繪圖處理器運算應用程式;同時也與AMBA系統一致,能與CCI-400、CCN-504等ARM CoreLink 快取同調匯流結構元件達成多核心快取一致性。

ARM Cortex-A57處理器是ARM單一執行緒效能最高的ARM應用處理器,能滿足隨著智慧型手機從內容使用裝置轉換為內容生產裝置所伴隨而來的高效能需求,且在相同的能源配置下,效能最高可達現有超級手機的3倍。在行動裝置的能源配置運作下,其運算能力可媲美傳統PC,使企業用戶或一般消費者均可受惠於低成本與低耗能;亦可針對高效能企業應用程式需求,提高產品可靠度與擴充性。

ARM Cortex-A53處理器號稱為能源效率最高的ARM應用處理器,可提供相當於現今超級手機的使用體驗,耗電量卻只需四分之一。該產品結合可靠性相關功能,有助於讓可擴充資料平面(data plane)應用每平方釐米或是每毫瓦 (mW)的效能得到最大化,並可針對個別執行緒運算應用程式,優化處理傳輸量。


ARM與ARM Connected Community合作夥伴正攜手合作打造強大的64位元軟體生態系統。自2011年10月ARMv8架構推出後,ARM編譯器(ARM Compiler)與快速模型(Fast Models)便已提供支援,並獲得ARM Cortex-A50處理器系列的授權

ARM合作夥伴可將系統單晶片平台,從單一及多核心big.LITTLE行動解決方案擴充為高度平行企業解決方案,以優化產品靈活度及能源效率。Cortex-A57與Cortex-A53處理器在互補性金屬氧化物半導體(CMOS)與鰭式場效電晶體(FinFET)製程下可以達到multi-GHz的效能,這些製程技術可透過ARM先前推出的Artisan實體IP及POP IP核心硬化加速取得支援。


ARM 表示,隨著智慧型手機與平板成為人們生活中主要的運算裝置,行動運算的效能已然進化並帶動整個運算領域的發展。在過去五年,ARM生態系統將智慧手機效能提升高達15倍,改變了人們使用裝置的方式。Cortex-A50處理器系列能從32位元無縫轉換至64位元執行組態,讓既有32位元應用程式持續運行,並且能提供64位元的擴充性優勢,讓行動運算終端裝置與未來超級手機再進化。

行動運算的演化重新定義了雲端服務及網路連線的基礎架構。智慧行動裝置的爆炸性成長,加上針對終端用戶所推出的豐富服務,大幅地增加內容創造及其使用量。由於資訊使用量預期將於2020年達到120艾位元組(Exabytes),高達現今8倍以上,若企業繼續沿用現有技術,無縫式的行動生活型態將對網路及資料中心基礎建設帶來極大的負荷。Cortex-A50處理器系列便是針對這一全新的「轉換式運算(transformational computing)」時代所設計,提供未來基礎架構所需的節能解決方案。經過強化的32位元執行功能將為既有32位元雲端伺服器應用程式帶來助益,同時64位元執行能力則將延伸ARM解決方案的適用性,進而為連網、伺服器及高效能運算開啟更多創新可能。

合作夥伴大量採用。現在又在Development Studio 5(DS-5)中加入裸機(bare-mental)與Linux除錯功能,使其支援更臻完整。此外,開放原始碼作業系統、應用程式與第三方工具也正在開發階段。這個軟體生態同時也是ARMv7架構裝置既有生態系統的自然延伸。


ARM Launches Cortex-A50 Series, the World's Most Energy-Efficient 64-bit Processors

New 64-bit processors set to drive the next era in mobile and enterprise, extending ARM leadership in performance and low power

CAMBRIDGE, UK and ARM TechCon, Santa Clara - October 30th 2012 - ARM announced the new ARM® Cortex™-A50 processor series based upon the ARMv8 architecture, extending ARM's leadership in performance and low power. The series initially includes the Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A57 processors and introduces a new, energy-efficient 64-bit processing technology, as well as extending existing 32-bit processing. The scalability of the processor series enables ARM partners to create system-on-chips (SoCs) that address diverse markets, from smartphones through to high-performance servers.


The processors launched today will continue the evolution of the mobile computing experience by delivering up to three times the performance of today's superphones and extending today's superphone experience to entry-level smartphones. With a comprehensive set of ARM and ARM partner development tools and simulation models already available to enable faster and easier software development, both processors are fully compatible with the extensive ARM 32-bit ecosystem and integral to the rapidly evolving ARM 64-bit ecosystem.


The Cortex-A57 is ARM's most advanced high-performance applications processor, while the Cortex-A53 is the most power-efficient ARM application processor. The Cortex-A53 is also the world's smallest 64-bit processor. They can operate independently or be combined into an ARM big.LITTLE™ processor configuration, combining high performance with power efficiency. Both are supported by the ARM CoreLink™ 400 and new CoreLink 500 series system IP fabric solutions.


ARM partners can scale SoC platforms from single- and multi-core big.LITTLE mobile solutions to massively parallel enterprise solutions for optimal flexibility and energy-efficiency. The Cortex-A57 and Cortex-A53 processors will target multi-GHz performance on advanced CMOS and FinFET processes technologies, which is supported by early availability of ARM Artisan® Physical IP and ARM POP™ IP for core-hardening acceleration.
Announced licensees of the new processor series include AMD, Broadcom, Calxeda, HiSilicon, Samsung and STMicroelectronics. Supporting materials and quotes from ARM partners can be found at this link and at
"Consumers expect a personalized mobile experience, integrating their daily lives, with seamless connectivity providing access to vast amounts of information. The ARM ecosystem will continue its rate of unprecedented innovation to enable diverse platforms. This will deliver an era of transformational computing, from mobile through to the infrastructure and servers that support consumers' connected, mobile lifestyles. This will create massive opportunities for market expansion and a revolution in user experiences," said Simon Segars, executive vice president, processor and physical IP divisions, ARM.


As smartphones and tablets have become our primary compute devices, mobile performance and capabilities have evolved to drive the computing landscape. In the past five years, the ARM ecosystem has driven a 15x increase in the performance of smartphones, enabling a transformation in how people use their devices. The capabilities of the Cortex-A50 processor series allow it to seamlessly transition from a 32-bit to a 64-bit execution state, enabling today's existing applications, and provides scalability to 64-bit for mobile computing client evolution and future superphone trends.


Data Explosion The evolution of mobile computing is redefining the infrastructure that drives cloud services and network connectivity. The explosive growth of smart mobile devices, combined with richness of services available to end users, is causing an increase in content generation and consumption. With data consumption predicted to reach 120 Exabytes by 2020 (eight times more than today ), the seamless mobile lifestyle will create a significant strain on network and data centre infrastructure if companies continue to deploy incumbent technologies. The Cortex-A50 processor series is designed with this new era of 'transformational computing' in mind, as well as providing an energy-efficient solution to future infrastructure needs. The enhanced 32-bit execution capability will benefit existing 32-bit cloud server applications, while 64-bit execution extends the applicability of ARM technology-based solutions to enable new opportunities in networking, server and high-performance computing.


ARM Cortex-A50 processor series:
• Currently includes the Cortex-A57 and Cortex-A53 processors
• Optional cryptographic acceleration that can speed up authentication software up to x10
• Interoperability with ARM Mali™ graphics processor family for GPU compute applications
• Features AMBA® system coherency to extend to many-core coherence with ARM CoreLink cache coherent fabric components, including the CCI-400 and CCN-504


ARM Cortex-A57 processor:
• The most advanced, highest single-thread performance ARM application processor
• Delivers the enhanced performance required for smartphones as they continue to transition from content-consumption devices to content-creation devices, with up to three times that of today's superphones in the same power budget
• Provides computer performance comparable to a legacy PC, while operating in a mobile power budget, enabling cost and power efficiency benefits for both enterprise users and consumers
• Extended reliability and scalability features for high-performance enterprise applications


ARM Cortex-A53 processor:
• The most efficient ARM application processor ever, delivering today's superphone experience while using a quarter of the power
• Incorporates reliability features that enable scalable dataplane applications to maximize performance per mm2 and performance per mW
• Optimized for throughput processing for modest per thread compute applications
• The Cortex-A53 processor combined with the Cortex-A57 and big.LITTLE processing technology will enable platforms with extreme performance range while radically reducing the energy consumption


ARM and members of the ARM Connected Community® are collaborating to develop a robust 64-bit software ecosystem. The ARM Compiler and ARM Fast Models have supported the ARMv8 architecture since it was announced in October 2011, and are used extensively by public launch licensees of the Cortex-A50 processor series. This functionality is now complemented with support for bare metal and Linux debug in the ARM Development Studio 5 (DS-5™). In addition, open source operating systems, applications and third-party tools are already in development. This is a natural extension to the broad ecosystem already in place that supports existing ARMv7 architecture-based devices.


Availability: The ARM partnership is expected to ship Cortex-A50 series-based chips in 2014.
ARMv8 open source operating system, toolchains and foundation models are now available at
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