Elliptic Labs 推出支援 Windows 8 的非接觸式控制技術

人類對於科技產品上沾滿指紋的恐懼,看來並沒有隨著越來越多的觸控系統產品推出而有所減緩,所以類似關鍵報告片中的那種非接觸式觸控技術,也成為許多廠商所追求的系統操作技術指標之一。在前些日子我們有看到需要額外感應器的 Leap Motion 技術的出現,但目前看來最普遍的應該就是微軟的 Kinect 了吧?不過坦白講 Kinect 要勝任成為他們自己的最新系統 Windows 8 中的主要操作手段,似乎在操作的精確性等各方面而言都還是力有未逮呢!而現在,在這方面技術耕耘已久的廠商:Elliptic Labs,則是趁此機會正式推出了該公司的最新遙控技術,可望為 Windwos 8 的使用者帶來各種便利直覺的非接觸式遙控手勢功能。

Microsoft’s new metro interface changes how consumers interact with the operating system and the design is a perfect fit for touchless gestures. Elliptic’s Windows 8 Gesture Suite gives the users a touchless version of the gestures they already know from a touchscreen and allows the user to interact in an even more natural and intuitive way without having to touch the screen.


Ultrasonic touchless technology uses up to 95% less power than current camera image-based gestural systems, making it an attractive option for device manufactures around the world.

Combine it with the SDK and starter kit

Take full advantage of ultrasound based gestures by adding the SDK. The SDK enables you to create disruptive new ways to interact with your device and your applications. The set of controls allows you to use hand gestures for scrolling, selecting, rotating objects and controlling menus. The kit also allows you to create your own gestures using the unique trajectory control.

Elliptic labs also provide the “Elliptic Ultrasound Starter Kit for Laptops”. This kit is a out-of-the box solution that allows you to get started with ultrasound based gestures without designing your own hardware. The kit is great for testing gesture technology and for application development.




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